Adsorption of pollutants in wastewater via biosorbents, …
Acid treatment of biosorbents refers to the bonding of oxygen-containing functional groups such as –OH and –COOH groups on the surface of biosorbents (Ao et al., 2018).The oxidation reactions occurred on the surface which enhance the acidic property and hydrophilicity of the biosorbents (Shen et al., 2010).In general, most of the …

Bioadsorption technique is a promising technology for the removal of diferent pollutants from industrial wastewaters. The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential of walnut …

Polysaccharide-based biosorbents for cholesterol and bile
This review summarized polysaccharide-based biosorbents that have been developed for adsorbing cholesterol and bile salts from the gastric-intestinal passage and analyzed common modification methods for these adsorbents. Finally, the adsorption models were also elucidated. Polysaccharides, including β-cyclodextrin, pectin, chitin/chitosan ...

Algae-Based Biosorbent for Removal of Heavy Metals
Macroalgae residues have a huge potential as natural biosorbents for removing heavy metals. Sorption isotherms are useful for describing the sorption mechanism. The best-fit equations for the nonlinear and linear forms of the two adsorption isotherms, namely, the Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption isotherms, are also explained.

Rapid adsorptive removal of chromium from wastewater …
Characterization of the biosorbents. The micrographs of the NWP, AWP, and CWP are shown in Fig. 2a, illustrating the surface modifications in the biosorbents with treatment. The heterogeneous ...

State of the Art for the Biosorption Process—a Review
In recent years, biosorption process has become an economic and eco-friendly alternative treatment technology in the water and wastewater industry. In this light, a number of biosorbents were developed and are successfully employed for treating various pollutants including metals, dyes, phenols, fluoride, and pharmaceuticals in solutions …

Advances in biosorbents for removal of environmental …
This review features on overview of studies on materials as biosorbents, their pretreatment process, desorption of adsorbed pollutants from biosorbents, and safe …

Material and Process Selection for Biosorption | SpringerLink
This chapter describes the various types of biosorbents, treatments applied to biosorbents, techniques and methods to study the characteristics of biosorbents, …

Crusher For Biosorbents
Crusher For Biosorbents Crusher For Biosorbents. Bizon Machinery is a total solution provider and large exportor for crushing and grinding equipments . With excellent product quality and good after-sales service, it has been highly praised in domest ... p389.waw,guicrusher for biosorbents,lscrusher Heavy Industry Technology is a joint …

Chitosan-based biosorbents: Modification and application for
Our research group has prepared some novel chitosan composite biosorbents, such as magnetic chitosan beads for Sr(II) (Chen and Wang, 2012c), magnetic chitosan nanoparticles for Cu(II), novel xanthate-modified magnetic chitosan (XMCS) for Co(II) (Chen and Wang, 2012a), Pb(II), Cu(II) or Zn(II) in single and ternary …

Biomaterials as promising biosorbents for efficient uranium …
DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2024.126507 Corpus ID: 267291062; Biomaterials as promising biosorbents for efficient uranium extraction from seawater: A comprehensive review @article{Ahmed2024BiomaterialsAP, title={Biomaterials as promising biosorbents for efficient uranium extraction from seawater: A comprehensive review}, author={Bilal …

Biomass-derived biosorbents for metal ions
A few biosorbents have been reported for the adsorption of heavy metals not only in the form of metallic ions but also organometallic compounds. Saglam et al. [142] have prepared the biosorbents by the biomass of Phanerochaete chrysosporium which adsorbed inorganic mercury and alkylmercury species with an affinity of CH 3 HgCl ...

Bacterial biosorbents and biosorption
The present review also highlights the necessity for the examination of biosorbents within real situations, as competition between solutes and water quality may affect the biosorption performance. Thus, this article reviews the achievements and current status of biosorption technology, and hopes to provide insights into this research frontier. ...

Full article: Fungal biosorption – an alternative to meet the
Such equilibrium sorption isotherms can be used to compare different biosorbents, as well as to compare the affinities of different substances for the same biosorbents. In simple terms: V is the volume (L) of solution contacted with the sorbent; C i and C are initial and equilibrium (final) concentrations of the sorbate (mg L −1 ); S is the ...

Bioadsorbents for remediation of heavy metals
The design of better biosorbents for improving their physico-chemical features as well as enhancing their biosorption characteristics has been discussed. Better economic value of the biosorption technology is related to the repeated reuse of the biosorbent with minimum loss of efficiency. In this context desorption of the metal pollutants as ...

Performances of plant leaf biosorbents for biosorption of …
Biosorbents using plant leaf biosorbents is a promising and eco-friendly method that can be used to remove phosphorus present in water (Yee, 1966, Huang and Chiswell, 2000). Biosorbents is an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to wastewater treatment procedures for eradicating heavy metals and other contaminants.

Bacterial Biosorbents, an Efficient Heavy Metals Green Clean …
1. Introduction. The rapidly escalating industrial activities release toxic heavy metals (HMs), which pose a serious hazard to ecosystems and human health [1,2,3].Environmental HM pollution in soil and water reduces crop production and can be detrimental to health safety through food chains owing to industrial solid waste, and …

Functionalized adsorbents prepared from fruit peels: …
The results obtained for the determination of active sites and the point of zero charge (pH pzc) of biosorbents are presented in Table 1.It is noticed that on the surface of the biosorbents coexist acidic and basic groups, which can be modified by the type of treatment that is applied to the material, therefore the pH pzc of biosorbents is …

Evaluate the use of flower waste biosorbents for treatment …
DOI: 10.1016/j.wen.2023.11.001 Corpus ID: 265135119; Evaluate the use of flower waste biosorbents for treatment of contaminated water @article{Dey2023EvaluateTU, title={Evaluate the use of flower waste biosorbents for treatment of contaminated water}, author={Subhashish Dey and Ganugula Taraka Naga Veerendra and Siva Shanmukha …

Free Full-Text | Biosorption: A Review of the Latest Advances
Biosorption is a variant of sorption techniques in which the sorbent is a material of biological origin. This technique is considered to be low cost and …

Polysaccharide‐based biosorbents for cholesterol and bile …
Polysaccharide-based biosorbents offer a feasible strategy for decreasing them. This review summarized polysaccharide-based biosorbents that have been developed for adsorbing cholesterol and bile salts from the gastric-intestinal passage and analyzed common modification methods for these adsorbents. Finally, the adsorption …

Biomaterials as promising biosorbents for efficient uranium …
Apart from microorganisms, other species with biological origin are also potential candidates for uranium extraction such as Tannin (a polyphenolic biomolecule found in many plants) contains ability to bind uranyl selectively in seawater [27], [28], DNA aptamer resin (HS-DNA 1 (Fig. 1 a)) with binding capacity of 0.63 µg.U/g.resin [16], …

Microbial Cells as Biosorbents for Heavy Metals: …
Microbial Cells as Biosorbents for Heavy Metals: Accumulation of Uranium by Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Appl Environ Microbiol. 1981 Jan;41(1):237-45. doi: 10.1128/aem.41.1.237-245.1981. Authors G W Strandberg 1, S E Shumate, J R Parrott. Affiliation 1 Chemical ...

Sugarcane bagasse: a potential low-cost biosorbent for the …
Biosorption, the passive binding of pollutants using dead biomass, can be achieved using various low-cost agro-industrial residues, which are a convenient …

Captivating actions of pomological crops waste as biosorbents …
Water pollutants are an emerging environmental hurdle for crop production and human health risks. In recent decades, the removal of contaminants from water using a cutting-edge approach like biosorbents is a strategy that is both cost-efficient and sustainable. For instance, since biowaste from fruit crops implies the frequent …

Application of Biosorption for Removal of Heavy Metals
Biosorbents provide the binding sites for metal biosorption, and hence its dosage strongly affects the biosorption process . The increase of the biosorbent dose at a given initial metal concentration increases the biosorption of metal ions due to greater surface area which in turn increases the number of available binding sites . At lower ...

Biomass for Water Treatment: Biosorbent, Coagulants and …
This chapter presents the vast array of biomaterials—bacteria, fungi, seaweeds, some lignocellulosic biomass such as plants and agricultural by-products—that have been …

Structural design of magnetic biosorbents for the removal …
From Fig. 1 (a), the adsorption capacity of PMCCs for CIP increased sharply as the pH increased from 2.0 to 5.0, and then reached a relative plateau at a pH from 5.0 to 8.0. After that, it dropped to a low value. This tendency could be related to zeta potentials (ZPs) and existing species of CIP. According to the literature, CIP shows two pK a …

Removal of lead from aqueous solutions using three biosorbents …
The biosorptive potentials of three aquatics-based biosorbents, including shells of a bivalve mollusk and scales of two fish species for Pb removal from aqueous solutions were evaluated, for the ...

Evaluation of untreated coffee husks as potential biosorbents …
The results obtained for uptake capacity after equilibrium attainment as a function of initial concentration are displayed in Fig. 2 (average values with S.D. below 1%). These results show that equilibrium capacity for adsorption onto coffee husks increased linearly with the increase in initial concentration, regardless of …
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