Women in mining: Caught between a rock and a hard place
The plight of women working in the mining sector is well documented. Some of the biggest challenges are sexual harassment and violence, a lack of …

Diversity in mining: A gender, role and vision Issue
McKinzey and Company, 2021, Why women are leaving the mining industry and what mining companies can do about it, by Hannah Ellix et al. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, Re-thinking complex orebodies: Consequences for the future world supply of copper, by Rick Valenta et al. KPMG, 2021, Global Mining Risk Survey, …

Diversity in Global Mining: Where We Are and What We …
We analyzed the diversity statements and initiatives reported in 2020 by 25 of the top 50 global mining companies (by market capitalization, March 2021) …

Australian Women in Mining: Still a Harsh Reality
However, only 9.5% of women were employed in the mining industry and 3.5% in the construction industry (Sharma 2010: 210; ABS 2007). When women are working in the Australian mining industry, the average pay gap against them is 15.8% (Australia Gender Equality Scorecard 2016: 6).

Australasia's mining sector falling short on gender equality …
"The road to the C-suite still tends to run through 'hard' functions, especially mining engineering. Pay inequality is real but is not limited to the mining industry. The biggest obstacle, however, is the industry's reputation as unwelcoming to women. On balance, it's still a long and winding road to true inclusivity for women in ...

Perceived discrimination of women in the mining sector
In the South Africa mining industry women have been subjected to unfair discrimination due to their gender or , for thousands of years. The aim of this study is to establish if women discrimination still exists in this sector by exploring the experiences of women in this mining sector. More and more women are being employed in the mines, but ...

Women in Mining
Sadly, the biggest challenge been a paradigm shift, where women are not is still the safety of miners on-site. Once again, the wanting to be recognised …

Let's talk about: women in the mining industry
The study 'Mining for Talent,' published early in 2013 and conducted by Women in Mining (UK) and Price-Waterhouse Coopers, stated that the mining industry has the lowest number of women on ...

Women in Mining
of the mining industry. Various speakers at the conference brought to light important issues affecting women in the sector. In her speech, Naidoo mentioned that she had various roles in the industry but being a woman in mining was the most important to her – adding that she drew inspiration from other women in the mining industry. During

Diversity in Global Mining: Where We Are and What We …
Introduction. The pivotal role of Cynthia Carroll (former CEO of Anglo American) in setting a new safety standard for the mining industry (Mukunda, Mazzanti, & Sesia, 2013) is a popular example of how diversity in leadership can potentially lead to transformational outcomes. Managing diversity in international business (IB) is much …

Discrimination in the mining business is real, but there's …
Discrimination in the mining business is real, but there's good news, too. Just ask these four industry veterans. At a recent Association for Mineral Exploration panel on diversity …

Towards gender equality
and their contribution to the development of the global mining industry, as well contributions from key . informants and experts: X. The desk review covered a wide range of the most recent reports and studies on challenges and opportunities for women in the mining industry. The review uncovered the existence of a robust body

Gender Equality, Mining, and Society | SpringerLink
The African Mining Vision (AMV) recognizes the need to address gender issues in the mining sector, and the idea of an inclusive mining industry draws inspirations from the Africa's Agenda 2063, which foresees '[a]n integrated, prosperous, and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global …

Mining Association of Canada and its Members Commit to …
OTTAWA – The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) and its members, which include 45 of Canada's leading mining companies, today released a statement denouncing all forms of discrimination, racism and sexism and committed to actions to eliminate them in the Canadian mining industry. "Racism, sexism and discrimination have no place in the …

Addressing Gender Inequalities in the Mining Sector
how it impacts other SDGs; Section two highlights how mining activities affect women; section three gives the concluding remarks and recommendations to ensure gender …

the mining industry should have the same opportunities open to them as men, and must be safe to pursue them. WOMEN IN MINING IN SOUTH AFRICA Fact sheet March 2020 QUICK FACTS 2019 17% 17% 24% 18% Skilled technical professions Senior management Professionally qualified Top management Vedanta Zinc International – Black Mountain …

Women in mining: how has the industry progressed in the …
The mining industry has a reputation for being an unsafe space for women – but how much progress is being made? Kit Million Ross examines a new report documenting ten …

Name already in use
sbm discrimination in the mining industry in the usaGender in the Mining Industry ROAPE In Thandi Dlamini's report on mining in South Africa she writes how more than twenty years

A big issue: fighting sexual discrimination in mining
Big miners already working on eliminating sexual discrimination in mining. While the Committee acknowledged that mining and resources companies had recognised the extent of the problem and had started working on eliminating sexual harassment on mine sites, it found much more needed to be done. The Committee recommended …

The Employment Policy in the Mining Industry: A Critical …
The object of this paper is devoted to test for the presence of gender discrimination of hiring, in one of the main important economy sector of Tunisia, which is the Tunisian mining industry in the Southwest inmate fully by the largest public mining Firm TPGC (1897), which is, in fact, the only industrial pole of employability of young scholars graduates in …

Ensuring decent work for women in the mining industry in …
Women in Mining. Ensuring decent work for women in the mining industry in Africa. An ILO regional tripartite meeting focused on advancing gender equality in a sector crucial to the continent's development. 20 July 2023

Women and Gender in the Mines: Challenging Masculinity Through History
WOMEN AS MINEWORKERS. Mining is a complex process, and although different minerals have their own specificities generally speaking there are different production stages, starting with the extraction of ores in underground pits, or on the surface, going subsequently through different steps of mineral processing, i.e. the extraction of …

South Africa urges Rio Tinto workers to report cases of discrimination
Asked about the report, South Africa's mining industry body the Minerals Council said it and its members "reaffirm their stance of zero tolerance for racism, sexism and gender-based violence in ...

'Cobalt Red' describes the 'horror show' of mining the …
Kara says the mining industry has ravaged the landscape of the DRC. Millions of trees have been cut down, the air around mines is hazy with dust and grit, and the water has been contaminated with ...

Extracting equality: gender and the African mining industry
In a series of research projects, I have explored how large-scale mining in Africa affects women's livelihoods, and gender norms in areas where mining takes place. My research has shown that these wary assessments may be discounting the potential opportunities for women that mining projects – when properly managed – may bring.

Creating a gender-inclusive mining industry: …
Mining industry stakeholders Discrimination Harassment ABSTRACT The global mining industry is male dominated. In the US, women constitute 13% of the mining workforce and 16% of mining related college programs. Similar trends exist globally. Efforts are being made by educational

Women's participation in the mining industry: Tracing the …
1. Introduction: women in the mining industry. The role of women in mining economies is increasingly recognized in management and policy fora. Early movements for diversity in mining occurred in the 1970s and primarily focused on gender diversity (C. Kincaid and Smith, 2021).Most recently, however, the movement has …

Ending harassment and bullying in Australian mining
Although McGurk is talking specifically about the Australian mining sector, her words should resonate with the industry at large. In 2018, when the #MeToo movement began in Hollywood in response to allegations of rape and sexual harassment against film producer Harvey Weinstein, Canadian geologist Susan Lomas started the Me Too …

Sexual harassment and/or gender-based violence in …
the experience of gender-diverse Indigenous peoples in the mining industry, one study found ... discrimination (n = 116 of 46%) and harassment (n = 117 or 47%) incidents in the mining industry. (p.90) • The most common aggressors were identified as male or men (n = 33 or 21%), supervisor (n =

The dirty secret in Australia's mining industry
The incidence of sexual harassment in the mining industry was significantly higher than other workforces. Credit: Fairfax In her landmark Respect@Work report, Discrimination Commissioner Kate ...
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