Strategic and tactical requirements of a mining long …
where three worlds within planning are presented as strategic planning, capital planning, and operation planning. Strategic planning Kear (2006) states that strategy is the broad plan to attain some objectives in the future and Strategic and tactical requirements of a mining long-term plan by B.J. Kloppers*, C.J. Horn*, and J.V.Z. Visser* Synopsis

How to write a strategic plan
About me Adjunct Lecturer at HKS Two decades' experience in the nonprofit and philanthropic sector, designing and leading large global and national initiatives and organizations Board experience on boards and advisory boards

STRATEGIC PLANNING: A Step-by-Step Guide for your …
Clearly strategic planning is a complex practice, and it may sound daunting. The following pages are intended to, as much as possible, simplify strategic planning into a step-by-step process that works for your organization. This strategic planning process is designed specifically for nonprofit organizations. It primarily draws from the

Strategic and tactical mine planning components
Strategic and tactical mine planning components by R.M. Kear* Synopsis Strategic and tactical planning are both required in the mining industry but have completely different objectives and require different environments. If these are not fully understood, then the best value for a mining operation may not be realized. This paper

Strategic mine planning
Mining strategy selection depends on the planned mining concept (open pit or underground) and deposits size as well as investors' capabilities, and how the …

Mining Sector Strategy
Overview Introduction • Mining is essential for our daily lives; it is the first step of the value chain of most of the products we use or consume daily. • Energy transition and decarbonisation commitments are generating an unprecedented demand for minerals and metals. This has created a substantial gap between the supply and demand of the …

(PDF) The Importance of Strategic Planning
Moreover, political instability has a high influence on strategic planning for the public organization for 10 years as different parties change their vision and mission (Kumara, 2016).

Strategic Objectives | State Department for Mining
In pursuit of the vision and mission, the State Department for Mining Draft Strategic Plan 2018/19 – 2022/23 identifies the following twelve (12) Strategic Objectives: - To formulate and review regulatory frameworks and undertake Institutional reforms; To promote Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM);

Our strategy | Anglo American
Sustainable Mining Plan. Our Critical Foundations. Inclusion and Diversity; Human Rights; Zero Harm; ... A leading global mining company. Our strategy is to develop and actively manage a portfolio of high quality resource assets, which we operate safely, efficiently and competitively – to reliably serve our customers, deliver sustainably ...

(PDF) An approach for strategic planning and asset management …
An approach for strategic planning and asset management 339 Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Komljenovic, D., Abdul-Nour, G. and Popovic, N. (2015) 'An approach for strategic planning and asset management in the mining industry in the context of business and operational complexity', Int. J. Mining and Mineral …

(PDF) Investigating the use of strategic management process in the
Keywords: strategy, strategic management, strategic planning, mining industry, strategic analytical tools. JEL Classification: M100 Basic questions for strategic management

Mining Business Plan
This guide provides in-depth knowledge about creating a mining business plan with step by step instructions, templates and more.

Mining Strategic Planning | Mining
Mining Strategic Planning enables collaboration between site and corporate. By helping site report financial and operational performance to corporate, and corporate to consolidate this information from each site, decision makers can run the business through effective decision making.

Strategic Planning: 5 Planning Steps, Process Guide [2024] …
What is strategic planning? Strategic planning is a business process that helps you define and share the direction your company will take in the next three to five years. During the strategic planning process, stakeholders review and define the organization's mission and goals, conduct competitive assessments, and identify …

Mining Plan Template
A mining strategic plan outlines the operational, financial, and environmental objectives of a mine and sets forth a plan of action to achieve them. It also provides a framework to measure progress and success, including setting achievable goals and targets. The strategy is designed to help ensure the mine is run safely and efficiently, while ...

The African Minerals Development Centre Business Plan
implementing the Africa Mining Vision (Action Plan) and the establishment of the African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC) to provide strategic operational support for the Vision and its Action Plan. This Business Plan provides has been developed to facilitate the establishment of the AMDC.

A conceptual framework for strategic long term planning of …
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "A conceptual framework for strategic long term planning of platinum mining operations in the South African context" by Gordon Smith ... @inproceedings{Smith2012ACF, title={A conceptual framework for strategic long term planning of platinum mining operations in the South African context}, author={Gordon …

Strategic Planning Handbook
A DEFINITION OF STRATEGIC PLANNING Strategic planning is a tool for organizing the present on the basis of the projections of the desired future. That is, a strategic plan is a road map to lead an organization from where it is now to where it would like to be in five or ten years. It is necessary to have a strategic plan for your chapter or ...

"Investigating the use of strategic management process …
Keywords: strategy, strategic management, strategic planning, mining industry, strategic analytical tools. JEL Classification: M100. Introduction and background This study focuses on investigating the use of strategic planning and management processes in the mining industry. The supply of mineral and metal products has

Strategic planning of post-mining land uses: A semi …
Request PDF | Strategic planning of post-mining land uses: A semi-quantitative approach based on the SWOT analysis and IE matrix | The suitable Post-Mining Land-Use (PMLU) selection is the main ...

The mining value chain: A hidden gem | McKinsey
Eleven core levers factor into mine-to-market performance enhancement.. Value-driver tree: Representation that links business value to a comprehensive set of detailed value drivers, allowing for a better understanding of the business. Overarching levers. Planning: Improvements such as short- and medium-term planning for port, rail, …

KPMG Mining Operational Excellence Framework
KPMG's Operational Excellence Framework helps mining / resource companies gain a strong position in markets, become industry leaders by EBITDA, retain a leading position …

10 Things You Should Know About Strategic Mine Planning for …
The correct strategy is vital for the economic, social and environmental success of your project. You may be currently operating with a sub-optimal plan, so take this opportunity to create value and optimise your assets by reviewing your strategic plan. Image Reference Note. Cut-off Grades and Optimising the Strategic Mine Plan, Brian Hall, 2014.

(PDF) Strategic long term planning in mining
The strategic long term planning framework is a logic construct that enables delivery of an optimized, strategically-aligned business plan from the mineral asset …

Application of Marketing Strategies in the Mining Sector …
Mining is one of the key sectors that drive the Zimbabwean economy. For mining companies to stay on top of the business it is important that it continuously meet the customer needs and wants through strategic marketing. Several considerations such as evolutions in the marketing era, the 7Ps of the

Strategic planning of post-mining land uses: A semi …
DOI: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2022.102585 Corpus ID: 247281997; Strategic planning of post-mining land uses: A semi-quantitative approach based on the SWOT analysis and IE matrix @article{Amirshenava2022StrategicPO, title={Strategic planning of post-mining land uses: A semi-quantitative approach based on the SWOT analysis and IE matrix}, …

Mining Sector Strategy
What activities are covered by the mining strategy? 1. Metals and minerals extraction, refinement and distribution. 2. Mining waste recovery and recycling. 3. Support activities …

How to Develop and Maintain a Mining Business Plan
A mining business plan is a strategic document that outlines the objectives, activities, resources, and risks of a mining project. It is essential for securing funding, attracting partners ...

Integration of renewable energy and sustainable …
Reducing mining costs by lessening energy costs can elevate competitiveness and the economic attractiveness of mining communities and encourage mining companies to carry out mineral processing operations in host countries. It is vital and strategic for many mining countries to implement this strategy.

Strategic and tactical requirements of a mining long …
The strategic long-term plan (LTP) of a mineral resources company can be described as the scheduled mining plan for the available mineral resource area based on current …
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