Sulfide Mining and Human Health in Minnesota
Compounding the issue of sulfide mining and acid mine drainage for northern Minnesota, is that the vast majority of ecological impacts associated with such mining have thus far occurred on arid or ...

Minnesota Lawyer has selected WaterLegacy Counsel Paula Maccabee and others on the team of lawyers who reversed the water pollution permit issued for the PolyMet copper-nickel mine among its 2023 "Attorneys of the Year" in the category of pro bono legal services. The award recognizes Maccabee's work on behalf of environmental non-profit …

Proposed sulfide mining in north central Minnesota puts too …
These partners have filed for environmental review of a proposed nickel mine in the Tamarack, Minnesota area, purportedly for use in the manufacture of …

Choose this over sulfide mining: renewables, jobs and …
There is nothing magical about locating a sulfide mine in Minnesota that would prevent toxic pollution; if anything, it's far riskier here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes. Nor would mining here ...

Minnesota scientists call for a Tamarack region sulfide mining …
Drill cores from the Tamarack Project. (Talon Corp.) Retired scientists who worked on the Minnesota Duluth Complex area Copper-Nickel Study in the 1970s have now called for a similar Tamarack Region Sulfide Ore Study of environmental baseline data and likely impacts from sulfide ore mining by Talon Metals and Rio Tinto in central …

Defending the Boundary Waters from sulfide mine pollution …
The proposal by Twin Metals Minnesota to build an underground copper-nickel mine near the Boundary Waters Wilderness has hit another–and potentially final–roadblock, thanks …

Minnesota senator explains her support for copper-sulfide mining
They should care because it really goes to the issue of whether copper-nickel sulfide mining is a good idea for Minnesota. It does what the legislation title says and asks that industry prove ...

Long-delayed Minnesota copper-nickel mining project wins …
The proposed NewRange Copper Nickel mine in northeastern Minnesota suffered a fresh setback Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2023, when an administrative law judge recommended that state regulators should not reissue a crucial permit for the long-delayed project. ... "Copper-sulfide mining is the most polluting industry in the country and …

Copper demand softens, adding further headwinds to Minnesota mining …
One of the main arguments in favor of copper-sulfide mining in northern Minnesota is that those metals will have a major role to play in the ongoing transition toward cleaner, greener energy sources. "The world is demanding greener energy, which in turn demands the metals we mine," as Twin Metals Minnesota explains on its website.. …

Promises made, promises broken when it comes to Glencore and sulfide
In August of 2019, Walker Orenstein of MinnPost conducted a thorough interview on sulfide mining in northern Minnesota with our relatively new governor, Gov. Tim Walz. The governor, to his credit ...

The Supreme Court's PolyMet Water Permit Decision | Minnesota …
Despite the company's assurances to the contrary, the Minnesota Supreme Court has affirmed what we've known from the start: PolyMet's proposed sulfide mine would pollute clean water. In its recent August 2, 2023 decision, the Court found that the water pollution permit issued to PolyMet by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA ...

Save Our Sky Blue Waters
Dangerous sulfide mining poses an unacceptable risk to the waters, wildlife and people of northern Minnesota and should not be allowed in our water rich environment. Contact …

Sulfide-ore Mining and Human Health in Minnesota
As 2021 was ushered in, so were new legislative and legal efforts affecting sulfide-ore mining. Amid state and federal legislation and lawsuits, healthcare providers …

Potential Mines
Minnesota's three primary watersheds – the Lake Superior, Rainy River (Boundary Waters) and Mississippi River Basins all face threats from sulfide mining. The PolyMet (Glencore) NorthMet copper-nickel mine. in the Lake Superior watershed is Minnesota's first proposed sulfide mine. Other sulfide mines are planned for the near …

Sulfide Mining – Minnesota Trout Unlimited
Sulfide-Ore Copper Mining and the Risks. Fish & Their Prey Directly at Risk ... Minnesota Trout Unlimited. P.O. Box 845. Chanhassen, MN 55317. Make a Donation to MNTU. Facebook Posts. This message is only visible to admins. Problem displaying Facebook posts. Backup cache in use.

Minnesota nickel mine brings environmental promise, but …
But geologists with Kennecott, an arm of global mining giant Rio Tinto, began poking around in the early 2000s, after the state of Minnesota paid for some preliminary surveys in the 1970s. After ...

Sulfide Mining and Human Health
sulfide mining proposals. In addition, Minnesota physicians need to understand the potential adverse mental and physical health effects of sulfide mining on mine workers and residents of communities near mining operations. T he Duluth Complex is a geological formation that contains deposits of copper, nickel and palladium group metals.

DFL lawmakers introduce bill to crack down on mining near …
She noted that historically, Minnesota laws were written to govern iron and taconite mining, not copper-sulfide mining. Mining companies and their allies at the statehouse have argued that minerals like copper are essential for the transition to the cleaner energy sources needed to cut carbon emissions. The new bill is "disconnected …

Stop Sulfide Mining | Sierra Club
Mission Minnesotans love Lake Superior, the Boundary Waters, North Shore, and all of Northern Minnesota—and we are deeply concerned about proposals to develop copper/nickel (also called sulfide ore) mining in the region including PolyMet and Twin Metals. Such mining poses a great threat to our Northern communities and …

Should we mine copper and nickel in Minnesota
It's an argument that has become popular among supporters of the Twin Metals and PolyMet projects. Yet the clean energy case for copper-nickel mining hasn't exactly won over skeptics in Minnesota.

Sulfide Mining | MEPartnership
Sulfide Mining Doesn't Belong in Minnesota's Cherished Waters. Proposed sulfide mines in Northeast Minnesota, including the PolyMet NorthMet project and the Twin Metals Minnesota project, threaten our lakes and rivers with significant ongoing water pollution. ... Sulfide mining in a water-rich environment like northern Minnesota is a high ...

Metallic Sulfide Mining | Sierra Club
In fact, employment decreased by 83% at iron mines in Minnesota's iron range from 1979 to 2005. When the price of metals declines, mines must lay-off workers or shut down — making mining an extremely precarious and volatile industry. ... Metallic sulfide mining harms Native Americans and encroaches on their territories — violating ...

Sulfide Mining and Human Health
Sulfide mining (specifically copper-nickel sulfide mining) represents a significant departure from Minnesota's iron mining tradition. Sulfide mining can produce acid waste and …

Protect Minnesota's Waters from Copper Sulfide Mining
There are two things you can do right now to help protect some of Minnesota's waters from copper sulfide mining. 1- Update Minnesota's Laws to Protect our Waters from the Dangers of Sulfide Mining. A change to these laws could ban sulfide mining in the Rainy River Headwaters. A 30-day public comment period is open until …

Court upholds permit for proposed copper nickel mine
"Copper-sulfide mining is the most polluting industry in the country and simply cannot be safely done in a water-rich environment like northeastern Minnesota," said Chris Knopf, executive ...

Sulfide Mining Regulation in the Great Lakes Region: A
to a sulfide mine project (Polymet's NorthMet project) that has not yet completed its environmental review or acquired a permit to mine. Minnesota has never permitted a sulfide mine to operate, but is currently reviewing the application of Polymet's NorthMet project, which has incurred a great deal of public criticism.

Here's what you need to know about recent sulfide mining …
From cancelled mineral leases to grooving on from PolyMet on the Capitol lawn, the last week of January 2022 was a blitz of mining news. Day by day, here's a synopsis of how …

Sulfide copper and nickel mining should never be …
The latest on the politics and policy shaping Minnesota. ... Second, engineering can reduce but not eliminate risk, especially with sulfide minerals mining. Pipe, valves, pumps, liners and other ...

Protect the Boundary Waters from sulfide-ore copper mining.
Proposed sulfide-ore copper mining threatens these waters and forests. A copper mine in the Boundary Waters watershed will pollute the Wilderness for generations to come, causing irreversible harm to water quality, wildlife, public health, and a sustainable outdoor recreation-based economy.

Lake that flows to Boundary Waters placed on state's list of …
Already impaired by taconite mine pollution, Birch Lake could face new threats from a proposed copper-nickel mine, environmentalists say. By Chloe Johnson November 14, 2023 at 11:14PM
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