Gold News Today: World Gold Council Industry & Events
The World Gold Council (WGC) announced today that four central banks have committed to signing 'The London Principles.' This is a set of operating principles …

Gold's Contribution to Society | World Gold Council
The report shows how the responsible gold mining industry is advancing progress against the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Gold and gold mining's contribution to SDG 3,September 2021 Gold and gold mining play an important role in progressing SDG 3, ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being at all ages.

All About Gold | The Metal & its History | World Gold Council
Gold mining is a far longer, more complex process than most would think — on average, it takes between 10-20 years before a mine is even ready to produce material that can be refined. ... The World Gold Council would like to contact visitors like yourself to participate in focus groups, surveys and share your feedback on the World Gold ...

Gold mining industry contributed over US$171
Once the indirect economic impact is taken into account, this figure increases to US$171.6 billion. The social and economic impacts of gold mining report builds on previous research, including studies by the World Gold Council, to provide an understanding of the socio-economic impacts of the commercial gold mining industry at …

World Gold Council Guidance Note on Non-GAAP Metrics
The World Gold Council today publishes a Guidance Note on "all-in sustaining costs" and "all-in costs" metrics, which gold mining companies can use to report their costs as part of their overall reporting disclosure. The World Gold Council has worked closely with its member companies to develop…

World Gold Council and its Members highlight commitment …
The report includes 39 case studies on how members of the World Gold Council are bringing about positive change across four thematic areas: global …

Development Research Center of the State Council and the World Gold …
On July 25th, the 3rd China International Gold Conference, co-sponsored by the China Gold Association and the World Gold Council, was held in Beijing. At the event, the Development Research Center of the State Council and the World Gold Council jointly issued the "Recommendations for the futher development of China's gold market …

Gold ESG Mining & Sustainability | World Gold Council
The WGC has long believed that responsible gold mining supports sustained socio-economic development in countries and communities that host gold mining operations, through its contribution to jobs, tax revenue and investment in local communities. The gold industry makes a meaningful contribution to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

World Gold Council appoints Randy Smallwood as new Chair
The World Gold Council is well-positioned to continue leading on landmark initiatives that support our industry, such as the development of the Responsible Gold Mining Principles. I look forward to working with David Tait and the rest of the team, and the entire Board to further advance the invaluable work of the World Gold Council and …

World Gold Council Members contributed $38bn to local …
Sandeep Biswas, CEO Newcrest Mining and Chair of the World Gold Council ESG Taskforce said: "Gold producers are working in partnership with communities, governments and civil society in countries where we operate to share the value created by responsible mining. This report outlines the enormous social and economic contribution …

COVID-19 statement | World Gold Council
The World Gold Council is committed to working with our Members - and other industry associations, including the International Council of Mining and Metals - to respond to COVID-19 and to support the employees and communities associated with gold and gold mining.. Protecting the health and wellbeing of employees, local communities and their …

The Responsible Gold Mining Principles Eight months On | World Gold …
The World Gold Council published the Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMPs) in September 2019. It represented the product of two years of intensive engagement with gold mining companies and industry stakeholders to set out an over-arching framework that helps to define what constitutes "responsible" gold mining.

World Gold Council launches definitive platform for gold …
The World Gold Council today launched Goldhub, a market-leading source of data, insights and analytical tools aimed at helping investors understand gold's value …

World Gold Council committed to Sustainable Development …
"Responsible gold mining can lead to sustained social and economic development. This report provides a clear demonstration of the positive role that …

Gold mining: India gold market series | World Gold Council
The other significant gold producer in India has been the Hutti Gold Mine, located in the Raichur district of Karnataka. 4 The operation initially entered production in 1902, although it subsequently closed in 1918 because of a paucity of funds due to World War I. Since its restart in 1947, through to 2020, it has produced some 84t of gold and is …

The social and economic contribution of gold mining – 2023 …
The social and economic contribution of gold mining – 2023 data update This data update quantifies the direct social and economic contributions of 30 World Gold Council member companies in 2022. The data comprises 242 operational mines and 111 non-producing sites (including head offices) spread across 34 countries.

World Gold Council and the African Mining Indaba 2020
The World Gold Council was busy both at the conference and at the many side events that surround it. We focused much of our efforts on explaining the significance and practicalities of the Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMPs) and how these might facilitate the gold mining industry's positive performance in responding to societal, stakeholder and …

Gold Mining's Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Gold Mining's Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals ... September, 2020. Downloadpdf Gold Mining's Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This report looks at how World Gold Council Members are bringing about positive change across four thematic areas: global partnerships; social inclusion; …

Socio-Economic Impact of Mining Gold | World Gold Council
An independent report produced for the World Gold Council by development economics agency Maxwell Stamp. This study builds on the other research detailed here, with a wide range of additional industry sources, and provides a broad and detailed set of indicators demonstrating how formal gold mining contributes to socio-economic growth …

Gold Mining and the UN SDGs | World Gold Council
Gold mining and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The World Gold Council and its Members have long believed that responsible gold mining can support sustained socio …

World Gold Council launches definitive platform for gold …
The World Gold Council is the market development organisation for the gold industry. Our purpose is to be the global authority on the gold market, provide industry leadership, and stimulate and sustain demand for gold. ... The membership of the World Gold Council includes the world's leading and most forward thinking gold mining …

The Social and Economic Contribution of Gold Mining
The total GDP contribution of WGC member companies in gold mining intensive countries is comparable to the value of Overseas Development Assistance they receive. Every local job at WGC member gold mining operations supports six more, or close to ten more if induced jobs are included.

World Gold Council and its Members highlight commitment …
To coincide with the 75th session of the UN General Assembly – and the SDG Business Forum – the World Gold Council has published a report entitled Gold Mining's Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.. The report outlines how leading gold mining companies are making a significant contribution towards the UN's …

Gold Mining Companies & Transparency | World Gold Council
The economics of investing in gold production are complex and mining is a long-term commitment. Gold is scarce and the vast majority of exploration activity by gold mining companies does not find commercially-viable quantities of gold. Once a suitable ore body is identified, it generally takes at least ten years to develop a large-scale gold ...

World Gold Council | The Authority on Gold
The World Gold Council is the authority on Gold. Explore unique gold market and industry research and what keeps gold relevant today. ... Responsible Gold Mining. Ensuring high ESG standards across the gold supply chain. ... Gold's Contribution to Society. Understanding gold's role in socio-economic development. Insights. Central …

Sustainability and gold mining in the developing world
In the context of the mining sustainable development debate, this paper examines the environmental performance of the gold mining industry in developing countries, and its impacts on resident populations and communities. ... Hilson [12] surveyed the world's 20 largest gold mining companies, and indicated that generally, each has …

UN Global Compact: Gold Mining's Contribution to
Last week we launched our new report, Gold Mining's Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.I had the pleasure of holding a panel discussion at the UN Global Compact event Uniting Business, which was held alongside the UN General Assembly.

World Gold Council report highlights responsible gold mining…
The World Gold Council yesterday released its second Responsible Gold Mining and Value Distribution report at the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development in Geneva. This edition of the report reinforces the continuing contribution responsible gold mining can make in supporting economic …

World Gold Council members commit to enhanced supply …
The World Gold Council today announced that its members, who represent the majority of the global large-scale gold mining industry, have committed to providing enhanced transparency in the gold supply chain. ... which will create significant opportunities for new product development and increase gold's attractiveness as a …

New findings from the World Gold Council highlight gold mining…
The World Gold Council today launched its 'Gold and climate change: The energy transition' report, which looks at gold mining's energy transition and climate impacts over the next decade. This should provide investors and industry stakeholders with greater clarity around gold's greenhouse gas emissions profile and its potential pathway …
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