About Hi Corporation Journal Articles In

Current developments in S corporations

Fourteen sections of the Internal Revenue Code are central to the taxation of Subchapter S corporations and their shareholders. 1 Over the 12-month period ending March 2023 covered by this article, several of these sections and others affecting S corporations have been addressed by recent legislation, court cases, and IRS guidance. …

Stakeholder theory, strategy, and organization: Past

Stakeholder theory was originally developed as a theory of, or perhaps rather a perspective on, strategic management (Freeman, 1984).However, subsequent work remained largely disconnected from developments in the strategy field because strategy scholars became increasingly concerned with grounding their work in economic theories …

Full article: Corporate Social Responsibility in a …

3. Data and CSR and competitiveness definitions. Our data originate from two sources. First, we use the 2011–2014 Vietnam Enterprise Surveys (VES) collected by the General Statistics Office (GSO), which include the population of all registered manufacturing enterprises with 30 employees or more and a representative sample of …


First published in 1869, Nature is the world's leading multidisciplinary science journal. Nature publishes the finest peer-reviewed research that drives ground-breaking discovery, and is read by ...

Corporate governance in today's world: Looking back

Moreover, investors' focus on ESG issues have led to a significant movement centered around redefining the purpose of the public corporation to encompass the interests of all of the firm's constituents (Fisch and Solomon, 2020). The growing awareness and interest in the environmental and social responsibilities of companies have led to a ...

The Roadmap For Global Expansion Of Evergreen Marine Corp

This article will explore the journey of Evergreen's globalization through an interview with one of the senior managers who has been involved in every stage of the company's globalization process. ... S.S. (2009), "The Roadmap For Global Expansion Of Evergreen Marine Corp", Journal of Asia Business Studies, Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 78-79. …

Stakeholder Engagement: Past, Present, and Future

The 90 articles in our review sample were published across 15 different journals. Thirty-eight articles were published in journals representing the business and society literature, where the most popular outlet is the Journal of Business Ethics with a total of 29 stakeholder engagement articles; in fact, the first three articles of our review ...

ScienceDirect.com | Science, health and medical journals, full …

3.3 million articles on ScienceDirect are open access. Articles published open access are peer-reviewed and made freely available for everyone to read, download and reuse in line with the user license displayed on the article. View the list of full open access journals and books; View all publications with open access articles (includes hybrid ...

Journal of Corporate Law Studies | Taylor & Francis Online

THE established international forum for high quality analysis of corporate, securities and financial law, The Journal of Corporate Law Studies is: vital for teaching and research, vital for practice, ... "Provides the readership with a diet of articles and reviews that make wide-ranging, informed and critical comment on the current state of ...

The state of Microsoft?: the role of corporations in international norm

Notes on contributor. Nancy Fairbank is a 2017 Marshall Scholar with an MSc in International Development (University of Birmingham, 2018) and an MSc in Global Governance and Diplomacy (University of Oxford, 2019). Her previous works include 'Throwaway Youth: Stories of Springfield's Homeless Teens' published by Missouri …

Journal of Information Technology: Sage Journals

Most read articles in this journal in the last 6 months. Open Access. Research article. First published Oct 8, 2021. Artificial intelligence and the conduct of literature reviews. ... Hi !! This sample HTML Markup represents the generic structure that you would need to use while setting any marketing spot. Please follow the inline …

Processes and Accuracy of Cash Flow Forecasting: A Case …

Journal of Applied Corporate Finance is a highly-regarded journal covering topics such as risk management, corporate governance, strategy, & capital structure. Despite its pivotal importance in enterprise management, cash flow forecasting gets little attention from academics perhaps because few of them have access to internal …

(PDF) The impact of leadership style on employee

T HE I MPA CT O F L EA DERS HI P S T YL E O N E MPL OYE E ... (Ashkenas et al., The boundaryless organization. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 1995; DeFillippi and Arthur, Journal of Organizational ...

Journal of Mathematics

Journal of Mathematics is a broad scope open access journal that publishes original research and review articles on all aspects of both pure and applied mathematics. As part of Wiley's Forward Series, this journal offers a streamlined, faster publication experience with a strong emphasis on integrity. Authors receive practical support to ...

International Journal of Business Communication: Sage Journals

International Journal of Business Communication (IJBC), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, provides rigorous original research that contributes to the knowledge and theory of business communication as a distinct, multifaceted field, approached through the administrative disciplines, the liberal arts, and the social …

Full article: The curse of agility: The Nokia Corporation and …

In business history, we can think of very few other cases in which new competitors so quickly and forcefully dethroned an overwhelmingly dominant market leader (cf. Langlois, Citation 1992; Finkelstein, Citation 2006, Van Rooij, Citation 2015) as the case of the Nokia Corporation between 2007 and 2013.Nokia was by no means a passive …

Find Articles

Citation index to nearly 140 journals published in or about Hawaiʻi and the Pacific. Covers all subject areas and includes both peer-reviewed academic journals and "popular press" publications, most of which are not indexed anywhere else. Coverage dates back to the 1890s; all titles indexed are held in the print collections of Hamilton Library ...

Making Corporations More Humane Through Artificial Intelligence …

45 The Journal of Corporation Law 95 (2019) U Denver Legal Studies Research Paper No. 21-04. 57 Pages Posted: 4 Mar 2021. ... Subscribe to this free journal for more curated articles on this topic FOLLOWERS. 4,427. PAPERS. 741. This Journal is curated by: Nancy Leong at ...

An Active Microvibration Isolation System for Hi-tech …

This paper presents an active microvibration isolation system using voice-coil linear motors, and pneumatic and piezoelectric actuators. This system is designed to reduce microvibration of the six degrees-of-freedom associated with the rigid body modes of the vibration isolation table by feeding back the pseudo absolute displacement and …

A systematic review of detection and prevention techniques of …

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Corporate Governance: Articles, Research

In 2020, AmerisourceBergen Corporation, a Fortune 50 company in the drug distribution industry, agreed to settle thousands of lawsuits filed nationwide against the company for its opioid distribution practices, which critics alleged had contributed to the opioid crisis in the US. The $6.6 billion global settlement caused a net loss larger than ...