Copycat Chinese lithium firms back Nigerian processing plant
Nigeria's first lithium-processing plant launched to great fanfare this month with the backing of three companies that, at first glance, look a lot like heavyweights of China's battery-metals ...

Rare earth mining growing in both China, Myanmar …
The study used remote sensing techniques to look at changes in mining surface footprints in the 15-year period in two rare earth mines located on either side of the Myanmar-China border, within ...

The impact of unregulated ionic clay rare earth mining in …
Most competition in the Rare Earth Market is internal by illegal Chinese miners. • Illegal mining of ionic clays cause a significant amount of uncontrolled environmental damage. • The quotas for the rare earths do not meet the requirements of the domestic industries. • Illegal rare earth activity is necessary for Chinese …

Nigeria has rare-element pegmatites widely dispersed across large areas of crystalline basement associated with late orogenic Pan-African events and younger associations …

Inside rare earth mining in Kazakhstan
As the world looks to diversify its supply of rare earths, new mining jurisdictions such as Kazakhstan are coming to the forefront. MT. Menu. ... inside rare earth mining in Kazakhstan. ... companies like East Star can spend capital to achieve results and build value quickly. "We have demonstrated this in 2022 by achieving a significant ...

A new discovery could lead to a mining resurgence in the …
Rare Earth minerals are a group of 17 little-known elements like neodymium, praseodymium and scandium. These elements are in products many use on a daily basis, like specialty glass products and batteries. The U.S. Geological Survey has designated most of them as critical for economic and national security. China currently …

The global fight for critical minerals is costly and damaging
Elements such as rare-earth metals are crucial for the clean-energy transition. Sustainability, equity and security are all at risk in the rush to break China's dominance over their production.

Nigeria bets on new gold project to attract more miners
Nigeria has sizable untapped deposits of metals including gold, zinc, lithium and iron ore, but nearly all extraction is done by so-called artisanal miners on a small-scale or manual basis ...

Ionic Rare Earths will be in production in the next few months
Australia's Ionic Rare Earths Limited (Ionic), which is listed on the ASX, is expected to be in production within the next few months, albeit on a very small scale, at …

Nigeria's latest lithium find: some key questions answered
All mineral mining, especially metallic minerals and hydrocarbons like petroleum, tar sands and coal are associated with environmental pollution. But there are measures that can be taken to ...

Nigeria's lithium-bearing ores are mainly lepidolite and spodumene which are rare earth metals bearing minerals found in pegmatite rocks of the Pan-African Basement …

The only rare earths mine in Africa achieves all 2017 targets
The Gakara project is one of the highest grade rare earth element mining projects globally, with an estimated in situ grade of 47-67% Total Rare Earth Oxide ('TREO'), and the company is targeting a production rate of 5 000 tpa by the end of 2018. [quote]"Rainbow can now rightly claim to being the only producing rare earths mine in …

Chinese rare earth prices hit 20-month high on Myanmar
Chinese rare earth prices jumped to their highest in 20 months, as mining suspension in major producer Myanmar sparked stockpiling ahead of the peak consumption season, analysts said on Thursday.

Nigeria woos Barrick and Rio Tinto to spur nascent mining …
Vancouver-based Thor poured first gold from its mine in southwestern Nigeria in July and is targeting output of 85,000 ounces a year. "We're so happy and delighted because they have succeeded ...

Nigeria: Mineral Policy | SpringerLink
Nigeria is a lower middle-income country with a surface area of 923.8 thousand square kilometers and population of between 140 and 188.686 million (National Mineral and Metal Policy 2008; World Bank 2017; IMF 2017).It has a population growth of 2.6% and a GDP of 405.08 billion US dollars with an annual GDP growth rate of −1.5% …

Rare Earth Elements Occurrence in Nigeria | Ministry of …
Rare Earth Elements Occurrence in Nigeria. Need Help? E-Services provided by Ministry of Mines and Steel Development.

High hopes, or hype, for rare earth mining in Wyoming?
There's a lot of hope, and maybe some hype, for commercial-scale rare earth element mining in Wyoming, which is home to one of the largest proven high-concentrated deposits in North America.

Peruvian discovery may hold 'hidden pool' of rare earths
Rio Sol added there is now enough evidence to state that Capacscaya — located approximately 123 km northwest of Cusco — contains both light and heavy rare earth elements and metals, as well as ...

Rare Minerals: Demand for Copper, Lithium, Others to
Tantalite, tin and nickel are found in Plateau, Nasarawa, Kogi, and several other states. A large amount of rare earth minerals ore was discovered in pegmatite and …

Rare earth mining may be key to our renewable energy …
Rare earths' journey from mine to magnet. Here are the steps that get rare earth elements out of the ground and into our hi-tech products. While the United States mines and concentrates rare ...

Agbaja Iron Ore Project, Kogi
Agbaja mine location and details. The iron ore mine is located on the Agbaja plateau, approximately 15km northwest of Lokoja city in Kogi State, and approximately 165km southwest of Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria. The plateau comprises a shallow, flat-lying channel iron deposit (CID) that is divided into two mining areas (Stage 1 and Stage 2).

Fuelling the future, poisoning the present: Myanmar's rare earth …
China, which controls nearly 90% of global rare earth processing capacity, had in effect outsourced much of its extraction to Myanmar, at terrible cost to the environment and local communities. Most of the HREE from Myanmar originate from Kachin State, on the border with China. Kachin has seen a decades-long struggle between …

Geophysical characterisation of rare earth element and …
The resultant mineral potential map showed a 74% agreement with the known mining pits in the study area. Thus, this agreement confirms the reliability of the produced mineral potential map for future resource management. ... There has been a resurgence of interest in exploration for rare earth elements in pegmatites in Nigeria to ensure the ...

After China's Rare Earth Embargo, a New Calculus
The episode alarmed companies around the world that depend on rare earths, minerals that help make a wide range of high-tech products, including smartphones and smart bombs.

Untapped mineral riches: Angola looks beyond diamond mining
Angola, the seventh-largest country in Africa, is most well-known for being one of the region's biggest oil exporters. The commodity provides around half of the country's fiscal revenues, yet it is not oil that is piquing renewed international interest in the country of late but rather its largely untapped mineral wealth.. The Southern African …

Role of UK in rare earth sector
Despite having limited rare earth reserves, the UK is eager to make moves in the sector. ... so for the primary rare materials, we have to look overseas. There are certainly exploration companies that are based out of the UK but exploring overseas, and there are lots of places that have really promising deposits that will be processed or part ...

Into Africa: the US' drive for African rare earth minerals
As the trade war with China escalates, the US continuing to look elsewhere for sources of rare earth minerals, with Africa emerging as a potential partner.

Orosur sets up lithium exploration JV in Nigeria
Canada-based Orosur Mining has formed a joint venture (JV) with Nigeria's Jurassic Mines for lithium exploration opportunities in the African country.

Wigmore Trading
Wigmore Trading is the premier resource for rare earth extraction in Nigeria. Our experienced team of professionals provide world-class services that ensure our clients receive the highest quality minerals in a timely manner. Trust us to deliver results - …

Glencore's billionaire ex-oil head charged with corruption
The agency alleges he conspired to make the payments to government officials and employees of state owned oil firms in Nigeria between 2010 and 2014, and Cameroon between 2007 and 2014.
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