Asphalt Pavement Analyzer Test

Asphalt Pavement Analyzer

The asphalt pavement analyzer (APA) is a second-generation device that was originally developed as the Georgia Loaded Wheel Tester. The APA tracks a loaded wheel back …

Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (APA) | Pavement Testing

The HM-459 Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (APA) by Pavement Technology is a three-wheel, multi-function Asphalt Wheel Tracker for accurate evaluation of rutting, fatigue cracking and moisture susceptibility of hot and cold asphalt mixes.This versatile model complies with AASHTO methods T 234 Hamburg Test (with solid wheels) and AASHTO …

Performance Test Resources

The National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) works to support, advocate, and advance the asphalt pavement industry. ... Each test is summarized in a one-page table format that includes a brief description of the test procedure, test results, equipment and cost, specimen fabrication, testing time, data analysis complexity, test variability ...

Pavement Analysis — TRIMAT

> Asphalt Pavement Analyzer Test - AASHTO T340, with Regular Pressure or High Pressure for Airport Mixes . Moisture Testing. Trimat uses the M.I.S.T. system to analyze damage susceptibility of asphalt mixtures to measure stripping or raveling. We can have results within 24 hours rather than the traditional method that can last several days.

Using the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer as a Mixture Performance Test …

AbstractIn this study, the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (APA) was investigated for its ability to detect asphalt paving mixtures designed for airfields that may be prone to rutting. ... D. W. (2003). "Use of the asphalt pavement analyzer and repeated simple shear test at constant height to augment Superpave volumetric mix design." J. …


This method describes a procedure for testing the rutting susceptibility of hot mix asphalt (HMA) using the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (APA). Annex A1 contains procedures for calibration checks for several APA components and related equipment.


EVALUATION OF THE ASPHALT PAVEMENT ANALYZER FOR MOISTURE SENSITIVITY TESTING Randy C. West, Jingna Zhang, and Allen Cooley, Jr. INTRODUCTION In the Southeast U.S., many of the conditions that affect moisture damage (a.k.a stripping) of asphalt pavements are prevalent. The climactic conditions of warm …

Mixture Performance Testing

Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (APA) The APA originated in Georgia from the concept of microsurface/slurry rut testing. GA developed the APA so it could measure the rutting risk of asphalt mixtures before placement. The APA is still used by the GA DOT for proof testing of mixtures. This test seems to be most widely used in the Eastern U.S.

Evaluating the Rutting Potential of Asphalt Mixtures with …

The results were applied to assess the monotonic tests and the asphalt pavement analyzer (APA) test relative to each other using several performance metrics. The results were also employed to develop performance threshold criteria for the tests being considered. The results showed that the IDT-HT and RR tests can be used to …

Asphalt Tests – Pavement Interactive

Asphalt Mixture Performance Test. Overview The asphalt mixture performance tester (AMPT) is the companion performance test for use with the Superpave mix design...

Pavement Testing Facility Overview | FHWA

Figure 8. FWD Test system operating on top of reconditioned ALF aggregate base. Figure 9. Closeup of the loading plate on the FWD test system. Figure 10. Closeup of the surface geophones on the FWD test system. Portable Seismic Pavement Analyzer (PSPA) The PSPA uses wave propagation techniques to measure fundamental material properties.


TEST METHODS Asphalt Pavement Analyzer The Asphalt Pavement Analyzer, first manufactured in 1996 by Pavement Technology, Inc, is an automated, new generation of Georgia Load Wheel Tester (GLWT). The APA has been used to evaluate rutting, fatigue, and moisture resistance of HMA mixtures.

Asphalt Pavement Analyzer Used to Assess Rutting Susceptibility of Hot

The asphalt pavement analyzer (APA) was evaluated as a tool for assessing HMA mixtures designed to perform under high tire pressure aircraft following FAA specifications. The APA used in this study was specially designed to test simulated high tire pressures of 250 psi, which are becoming more common for aircraft.

Evaluation of Laboratory Performance Tests for Cracking …

• We can control test from 0.01 Hertz to 25 Hertz (25 cycles a second) • Technology allows us to record data at fast rates like 100+ points a ... • Asphalt Pavement Analyzer • Disk-Shaped Compact Tension test • Overlay (crack) tester • Semi-circular bend test (SCB) AMPT Push/Pull Fatigue (S-VECD)

FlexMAT™ Asphalt Pavement Analysis Tools | FHWA

The following suite of tools help with characterization of cracking and rutting of asphalt pavements. FlexMAT for Cracking. FlexMAT for Cracking is a Microsoft® Excel-based analysis tool for characterizing dynamic modulus and cracking of asphalt pavement mixtures from Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester (AMPT) test results.


This report presents the findings of a research project to determine the suitability of the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer, which is a loaded-wheel tester, (1) as a general method of predicting rutting potential and (2) for use in field quality control and quality acceptance operations. The report will be of particular interest to materials engineers in state …

Hamburg Wheel Trackers (Loaded Wheel Tester)

The exclusive high-pressure feature generates 250psi or more for advanced testing of mix designs for airport runways and taxiways. Asphalt Pavement Analyzer Junior (APA Jr.) is a versatile two-wheel Asphalt Wheel Tracker with a small footprint. With optional Chiller the APA Jr. can perform high contact pressure, micro-surfacing/slurry seal, low ...

Frontiers | Rutting Performance of Semi-Rigid Base Pavement …

Through a simple performance dynamic modulus test (SPT), standard rutting test, Hamburg rutting test, French rutting test and asphalt pavement analyzer rutting test, the rutting resistance of asphalt mixtures in the middle and lower courses of three semi-rigid base asphalt pavement of Beijing full-scale test track road in China was evaluated.

Asphalt Pavement Analyzer Used to Assess Rutting …

locations during a test. Recommendations from the study cautioned on using the APA as a pass or fail criterion based on the three mixes tested. AASHTO TP 63-07 indicated precision, and bias statements have yet to be determined for APA testing. Asphalt Pavement Analyzer Used to Assess Rutting Susceptibility of Hot-Mix Asphalt

NCHRP 10-107

test result and a type of pavement distress or a mechanics-based model that uses fundamental engineering properties to predict damage to the pavement structure over …


There is a need to evaluate the APA by testing mixes with different aggregate gradations and asphalt binders. Also, to use the APA as a routine proof test, there is a need to develop a pass/fail criteria for testing hot mix asphalt (HMA). OBJECTIVE The objectives of this project are to evaluate the Asphalt Pavement …

AASHTO T 340-23

This method describes a procedure for testing the rutting susceptibility of asphalt mixtures using the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (APA). Annex A1 contains procedures for calibration checks for several APA components and related equipment.

Comparison Between Flat Rubber Wheeled Loaded Wheel Tester and Asphalt

Dynamic Stability (DS), the number of load repetitions to generate 1-mm rutting during the last 15-min of one-hour testing, has been selected to characterize rutting of hot-mix asphalt (HMA). During the recent years, the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (APA), has been introduced into China, and has gained popularity in pavement industry.

Asphalt Pavement Analyzer Junior (APA Jr.) | Pavement …

The HM-457 Asphalt Pavement Analyzer Junior (APA Jr.) is a multi-functional two-wheel Asphalt Wheel Tracker to determine rutting, fatigue cracking and moisture susceptibility of hot or cold asphalt paving mixes in dry or submerged conditions.This versatile CE-approved model from Pavement Technology has a small footprint and meets all …

HMA Performance Tests – Pavement Interactive

Superpave is intended to use a better and more fundamental performance test. However, performance testing is the one area of Superpave yet to be implemented. ... Video 1: Asphalt Pavement Analyzer – A Wheel Tracking Device. Fatigue Life. HMA fatigue properties are important because one of the principal modes of HMA pavement failure …

Balanced mix design

Cracking Test and Criteria: Asphalt Pavement Analyzer < 4.0mm Rutting @ 8,000 cycles and 64oC: Overlay Tester > 250 cycles @ 93% Load Reduction and 25oC: Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test < 12.5mm Rutting @ 20,000 cycles and 50oC: SCB Flexibility Index > 8.0 @ 25oC: High Temperature IDT Strength > 30 psi @ 44oC:

Evaluation of AASHTO Rut Test Procedure Using the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer

For these reasons, the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (APA) has been widely adopted for checking the rutting resistance of HMA during the mix design process in many states. State procedures for APA testing are based on American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) TP 63. This AASHTO procedure was updated in 2007.