Separation and Recovery of Iron and Nickel from Low …
The low-grade nickel laterite ore used in this study was successfully upgraded through selective reduction by industrialized rotary kilns followed by magnetic separation. The results indicated that both iron metallization extent and nickel metallization extent showed obvious linear correlation. In addition, rational roasting temperature and …

High-Grade Ferronickel Concentrates Prepared from Laterite …
Considering on the low grade of nickel and iron in laterite nickel ore, solid-state reduction roasting combined with magnetic separation to remove the magnesium …

Extraction of ferronickel concentrate from laterite nickel ore …
Nevertheless, when reduction roasting–magnetic separation is used to treat laterite nickel ore with low nickel content, increasing the dosage by approximately 8–20% inevitably reduces equipment life and increases cost (Liu et al.,2021). Therefore, improving the grades and recoveries of iron and nickel is of major significance.

Upgrading nickel content of limonite nickel ore through …
Keyword: limonite, nickel ore, pelletization, reduction, magnetic separation. INTRODUCTION Laterite nickel ore, a low grade nickel type, is divided into saprolite and limonite [1] [2].

Efficient Synchronous Extraction of Nickel, Copper, and …
Separation and recovery of iron and nickel from low‒grade laterite nickel ore using reduction roasting at rotary kiln followed by magnetic separation technique. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration ...

Keywords: nickel laterite ore, selective reduction roasting, magnetic separation Q LI et al XXV INTERNATIONAL MINERAL PROCESSING CONGRESS (IMPC) 2010 PROCEEDINGS / BRISBANE, QLD, AUSTRALIA / 6 ...

Efficient enrichment of nickel and iron in laterite nickel ore …
Results show that nickel–iron concentrates with nickel grade of 6.96%, nickel recovery of 94.06%, iron grade of 34.74%, and iron recovery of 80.44% could be obtained after magnetic separation ...

Extraction of Nickel from Garnierite Laterite Ore Using …
In this study, segregation roasting and magnetic separation are used to extract nickel from a garnierite laterite ore. The garnierite laterite ore containing 0.72% Ni, 0.029% Co, 8.65% Fe, 29.66% MgO, and 37.86% SiO2 was collected in the Mojiang area of China. Garnierite was the Ni-bearing mineral; the other main minerals were potash …

Magnetic separation for recovering iron resources from acid …
In this research, efficient iron enrichment was innovatively proposed through "mineral phase transformation - magnetic separation" for the acid-leaching tailings of laterite nickel …

Efficient enrichment of nickel and iron in laterite nickel ore …
The process of deep reduction and magnetic separation was proposed to enrich nickel and iron from laterite nickel ores. Results show that nickel–iron concentrates with nickel grade of 6.96%, nickel recovery of 94.06%, iron grade of 34.74%, and iron recovery of 80.44% could be obtained after magnetic separation under the conditions …

Separation and Recovery of Iron and Nickel from Low-Grade …
The low-grade nickel laterite ore used in this study was successfully upgraded through selective reduction by industrialized rotary kilns followed by magnetic …

Separation and Recovery of Iron and Nickel from Low …
Separation and Recovery of Iron and Nickel from Low-Grade Laterite Nickel Ore Using Reduction Roasting at Rotary Kiln Followed by Magnetic Separation Technique Lihua Gao1 & Zhenggen Liu1 & Yuzhu Pan1 & Yang Ge1 & Cong Feng1 & Mansheng Chu1 & Jue Tang1 Received: 17 September 2018 /Accepted: 21 September 2018 /Published …

Magnesium Extraction from Magnetic Separation Tailings of Laterite Ore
The magnetic separation tailings of saprolite laterite ore containing magnesium processed by roasting and magnetic separation are used as raw materials, and the product of magnesium oxide was obtained by the process of sulfuric acid leaching, removing iron, precipitating magnesium and roasting. The effects of sulfuric acid …

Preparation of ferronickel from nickel laterite via coal-based
The sticking phenomenon between molten slag and refractory is one of the crucial problems when preparing ferronickel from laterite ore using rotary hearth furnace or rotary kiln processes. This study aims to ameliorate sticking problems by using silicon dioxide (SiO2) to adjust the melting degree of the briquette during reduction roasting. …

Extraction of Nickel from Garnierite Ores by the Segregation-Magnetic …
An assumption was made on the segregation mechanism of nickel from garnierite ore in the previous paper. In this work, the assumption was confirmed by experimental data by using same process for extraction of nickel by XMA, electron beam scanning microscope and chemical analysis of the concentrates obtained. Fine ferronickel powder having very …

Roasting and Leaching Behavior of Nickel Laterite Ore
Abstract Nickel is mostly extracted from sulfide ores, however, laterite ores account for over 60 pct of all nickel resources in the world, and despite its predominance, there is no well-established process to extract nickel from such ores. Nickel in laterites is hosted in many different compounds such as oxides, hydroxides, and silicates minerals. …

Extraction of Nickel from Magnesia–Nickel Silicate Ore
Abstract In this study, magnesia–nickel silicate ore was investigated, which contained 0.83% Ni and antigorite, chlorite, magnetite (Fe3O4), quartz, and mica as the main minerals. Chloride roasting and magnetic separation were used to treat the ore. The addition of red mud enhanced the transformation of nickel silicate to a strongly …

Chloridization and Reduction Roasting of High-Magnesium Low-Nickel
In this paper, the reduction roasting-magnetic separation process is used to study the method of preparing ferronickel concentrates from low-grade laterite nickel ore under the action of composite ...

Pre-concentration of nickel in laterite ores using physical separation
Of course, upgrading nickel using magnetic separation highly depends on the ore mineralogy and mineral liberation, and if nickel is associated with magnetic minerals. Table 3 also shows that the percentage of iron increases (by ~70%) in the magnetic product for ores S and I, but not for ore L. On the other hand, more silicon …

Calcination of low-grade laterite for concentration of Ni by magnetic …
The main finding of this work was that magnetic separation is effective in recovering 48% of nickel from laterite, increasing the Ni grade in the recovered product from 1.5% to 2.9%, when prior to the separation the ore was calcinated at 500 °C for 1 h.

Production of Ferronickel Concentrate from Low-Grade …
Keywords: nickel laterite; non-melting reducing; sodium chloride; magnetic separation 1. Introduction As an important metal, nickel has an important position in industrial production due to its good physicochemical properties [1,2]. Nickel resources mainly exist in the form of nickel sulfide ore and nickel laterite ore.

Separation of Copper-Nickel by Flotation and Magnetic Methods
In conventional processing of mixed sulfide ores of copper and nickel, the separation of copper from nickel begins in the ore beneficiation plant. Although copper and nickel are mutually soluble in the metallic state, in sulfide ores they occur as distinct minerals, usually chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) and pentlandite (FeNi)8S4). ... However, …

High-Grade Ferronickel Concentrates Prepared from Laterite Nickel Ore …
Nickel is widely used in industrial processes and plays a crucial role in many applications. However, most of the nickel resource mainly exists as nickel oxide in laterite nickel ore with complex composition, resulting in difficulty in upgrading the nickel content using physical separation methods. …

The Comprehensive Guide to Nickel Processing | Mining Pedia
Magnetic separators apply a magnetic field to attract and separate magnetic particles from the ore. Flotation: Flotation is a widely used beneficiation technique for nickel ores. In this process, chemicals called collectors are added to the ore slurry to selectively attach to and float the valuable nickel minerals, while the gangue …

Efficient enrichment of nickel and iron in laterite nickel ore …
DOI: 10.1016/s1003-6326(20)65256-6 Corpus ID: 216163739; Efficient enrichment of nickel and iron in laterite nickel ore by deep reduction and magnetic separation @article{Shuai2020EfficientEO, title={Efficient enrichment of nickel and iron in laterite nickel ore by deep reduction and magnetic separation}, author={Yuan Shuai and …

Production of Ferronickel Concentrate from Low-Grade Nickel …
The production of ferronickel concentrate from low-grade nickel laterite ore containing 1.31% nickel (Ni) was studied by the non-melting reduction magnetic separation process. The sodium chloride was used as additive and coal as a reductant. The effects of roasting temperature, roasting duration, reductant dosage, additive dosage, and grinding …

Magnetic Separation
The separation is between economic ore constituents, noneconomic contaminants and gangue. Magnetite and ilmenite can be separated from its nonmagnetic RFM of host rock as valuable product or as contaminants. The technique is widely used in beneficiation of beach sand. ... a second magnetic separation of the nickel-containing parts of the ...

Nickel Laterite Beneficiation and Potential for
Selective reduction process and magnetic separation of nickel lateritic ore were conducted through the two-stage thermal mechanism with the addition of sodium sulfate and sodium chloride as the ...

The Aggregation and Growth of Ferronickel Particles During …
The main source of nickel has gradually become the recovery of ferronickel concentrate from low-grade laterite nickel ore. In this work, high-grade ferronickel concentrate was prepared by a reduction roasting-magnetic separation process, and low-grade ferronickel concentrate and CaF2 were used as composite additives to promote …

[PDF] Mechanism of sodium chloride in promoting reduction of …
In the absence of moisture, the magnetic separation results show that the recoveries of iron and nickel have a significant increase; moreover, olivine structure would be destroyed gradually with the increase of roasting temperature in the action of sodium chloride and the sodium chloride existed in high-magnesium, low-nickel oxide ore could ...
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