Mining Industry Issue

ESG challenges mining and metals companies are facing

In addition, the environmental and social issues are becoming mainstream discussion topics, with hyper-consumers being more vocal about the sourcing ecosystem of metals and minerals. Changing governments and social upheaval. ... "Mining industry to build 15 new desalination plants by 2028; use of seawater will almost equal use of fresh …

Sustainability in sight for mining

With regular planned maintenance, small problems are found before they become major issues. Repairs can be scheduled at times convenient for the operation, to increase the machines' availability and maximize uptime. ... paving the way to a reduction in CO 2 emissions and a greener and more sustainable mining industry. Cayce Kerr is …

5 Ways to Make Mining More Sustainable

Illegal mining remains a significant issue for the industry — for example, experts estimate that around 14,000 people are currently involved in illegal mining in South Africa. There, illegal mining often takes place on properties not suited for large-scale mining and without regard to regulations that reduce the environmental impact.

Top 10 issues transforming the future of mining

The following 10 mining industry trends provide a toolkit to help companies not only profit from whatever the future might bring, but to leave a positive social impact as their legacy. ... is growing to reach beyond environmental compliance and make high-level commitments in the public domain around ESG issues that are shaping the future of the ...

The AI Revolution in Mining: Opportunities and Risks

How important is AI to the mining industry. 66% of mining companies are using AI in 2022, up from 57% in 2021, ... Focusing on business issues should guide where to focus. Building scale in insights and analytics requires a different path than just one of business use cases. The processes, teams and technologies of data and analytics are …

Global Mine Report 2023: PwC

In its 20th edition, PwC's 2023 Mine: The era of reinvention, an annual review of the Top 40 mining companies globally, examined trends in the mining industry. …

Mining in Papua New Guinea: A complex story of trends, impacts …

In the past decade (Ramu being the exception), it appeared that the PNG mining industry had begun to genuinely evolve with the Hidden Valley Au-Ag mine incorporating a conventional engineered tailings dam, shown in Fig. 1 (see Mudd and Roche, 2014 for more background), as well as a continuing commitment for an …

Why sustainability will be a key issue to the mining industry…

In fact, the mining industry has something of an in-built advantage if it wants to take responsibility for being the life-cycle custodian for the materials it extracts. ... This article originally appeared in the winter 2019 edition of World Mining Frontiers. The full issue can be viewed ...

Governance and human rights in mining | Deloitte Insights

While issues related to human rights, corruption, bribery, and provenance play out at a macro level across the mining sector, companies should ensure that their focus extends to the enterprise level as well. ... This can be particularly vital in the mining industry related to workforce diversity and inclusion. As a Deloitte Insights publication ...

Global Mining Outlook 2022

For an industry that inherently operates over the long-term, these shifts in a short space of time are striking. They underline the extent to which climate change related issues and ESG more broadly are reframing corporate priorities in mining, as in almost every business sector. Our research underlines how much has happened in just one year.


The Namibian Mining Magazine is a quarterly professional mining journal for the Namibian mining and quarrying industry. With a decent print run of 2850 copies per issue and a magnificent online presence. Follow Us. Recent Posts …

Mining and Metals: Trends, Challenges and the Way Forward

The World Economic Forum convened a group of senior leaders from the Mining and Metals industry communities to explore the major challenges that will shape the industry's ongoing transformation. This report compiles their views, which together provide a foundation for both industry and non-industry stakeholders to understand the …

What Is The Environmental Impact Of The Mining Industry?

For example, lead ore mining in Galena, Kansas between 1980 and 1985 triggered about 500 subsidence collapse features that led to the abandonment of the mines in the area. The entire mining site was later restored between 1994 and1995. Loss Of Biodiversity . Often, the worst effects of mining activities are observed after the mining …

Risk Assessment Methods in Mining …

Recently, there has been a growing interest in the mining industry in issues related to risk assessment and management, which is confirmed by a significant number of publications and reports devoted to …

Mining in the Philippines: Of Disasters and Regulatory Failures

The government has repeatedly tried to regulate the industry, from the time the dictator President Ferdinand Marcos passed the country's first modern mining policy with Presidential Decree (PD) 463, or the Mineral Resources Development Decree of 1974, to the country's current legislation for the sector, the Mining Act of 1995.

Evidence of the impacts of metal mining and the effectiveness of mining

Mining activities, including prospecting, exploration, construction, operation, maintenance, expansion, abandonment, decommissioning and repurposing of a mine can impact social and environmental systems in a range of positive and negative, and direct and indirect ways. Mining can yield a range of benefits to societies, but it may also cause …

U.S. mining industry

U.S. mining industry employment excluding oil and gas 2000-2022 Employment in the United States mining industry excluding oil and gas from 2000 to 2022 (in 1,000s)*

Understanding the impacts of mining on local environments …

As part of his dissertation work at Clark University, Odell found broad optimism in Chile for solving water issues in the mining industry through desalination. Not only was the mining industry committed to building desalination plants, there was also political support, and support from some community members in highland communities …

Ending Exploitation in the DRC's Deadly Cobalt Mines

In the DRC's artisanal mining sector —which exists alongside the formal mining industry—children and adults toil underground for hours in dangerous tunnels, using sticks or makeshift tools to mine for the cobalt-rich mineral heterogenite. Others sift ore in noxious, contaminated waters. With no protective equipment, injuries and deaths …