محطم الصانع boracite

Boracite Mg3B7O13Cl

Hardness = 7–7.5 D(meas.) = 2.91–3.10 D(calc.) = 2.97 Very slowly soluble in H2O; strongly piezoelectric and pyroelectric. Optical Properties: Transparent to translucent. …

Boracite: The borate mineral boracite information and pictures

The Boracite group is a solid solution series of chloro- borates, with Boracite, Chambersite, and Ericaite, as the main members. Boracite is the magnesium-rich end member, and the most prevalent mineral of this group. Boracite is known for its …

200 years of research on boracites

200 years of research on boracites. The boracite family has attracted the attention of researchers for more than 200 years not only due to its peculiar physical …

Boracite: The borate mineral boracite information and …

Boracite describes both a mineral group as well as an individual mineral within that group. The Boracite group is a solid solution series of chloro- borates, with Boracite, Chambersite, and Ericaite, as the main members. Boracite is the magnesium-rich end member, and the most prevalent mineral of this group.

Boracite mineral information and data

Boracite is an uncommon mineral that is named for the boron in the composition. It can be found in bedded sedimentary salt and potash deposits that are of marine origin, where the boron is likely derived from nearby volcanic activity. Localities for Boracite include in Germany, France, England, Kazakhstan, Bolivia, the United States, and Canada, among …


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14.8: Borate Minerals

14.8: Borate Minerals. Mineralogists have identified many borate minerals. Most, especially the anhydrous borates, are very rare. Borate minerals have complex …

Boracite | Magnesium, Chloride, Hexagonal | Britannica

boracite, colourless, glassy borate mineral, magnesium chloroborate (Mg 3 B 7 O 13 Cl). It has been found as crystals embedded in sedimentary deposits of anhydrite, gypsum, and halite. A massive variety occurs as nodules in the salt-dome deposits at Stassfurt, Ger., where it has been mined as a source of boron. For detailed physical properties, see …


Boracite. Boulby Mine, Loftus, North Yorkshire, England. Reference: 2112. Two sided boracite specimen with transparent blue-green crystals of good lustre. Unusually, the colour of boracite deepens when viewed in incandescent lighting compared to daylight. Formula: Mg 3 B 7 O 13 Cl. Status: Sold. Dimensions: 32x23x24mm.