ستيمنيت المعدنية antimonite

Global Regulator IscR Positively Contributes to Antimonite …

Antimonial compounds can be found as a toxic contaminant in the environment. Knowledge on mechanisms of microbial Sb oxidation and its role in microbial tolerance are limited. Previously, we found that Comamonas testosteroni S44 was resistant to multiple heavy metals and was able to oxidize the toxi …

Efficient removal of both antimonite (Sb

Increasing attention has been focused on antimony (Sb) pollution and remediation in aquatic ecosystems, where efficient removal technologies for Sb compounds, particularly Sb(iii) and Sb(v), from environmental water are urgently needed. Thus, herein, a mesoporous material, titanate nanotubes (3 nm, TiO2 NTs)


Stibnite or antimonite is sulfide metalloid mineral of antimony with chemical formula (Sb2 S 3 ). The color is shiny lead-gray tarnishing to black with massive, granular, radiating, and …


Stibnite - Antimonite. La stibnite Sb2S3 è un minerale, un solfuro di antimonio. Sono suoi sinonimi antimonite e stibina. Il nome stibnite deriva da stibio, voce desueta per antimonio, e (antimo)nite. Il nome stibina deriva dal greco στίβι = nero-antimonio, conosciuto già nell'antichità. Il nome antimonite deriva forse dall'arabo 'utmud.

Antimony | SpringerLink

Antimony is a chalcophile element and as such mainly occurs in nature as Sb 2 S 3 (stibnite, antimonite) and Sb 2 O 3 (valentinite) [ 9 ]. In addition to those major forms, the most important ores of Sb include kermesite …

A microscopic and spectroscopic study of rapid antimonite …

During the reaction of arsenite (As(iii)) with δ-MnO2 (a typically poorly crystalline phyllomanganate), a significant decrease in the oxidation rate is frequently observed, which is mainly attributed to the surface passivation of δ-MnO2. However, whether surface passivation also occurs during the antimonite (Sb(iii

Stibnite | Antimony, Sulfide, Ore | Britannica

Stibnite and the analogous sulfides of arsenic and bismuth (orpiment and bismuthinite, respectively) form a group of minerals that have similar physical properties ( see sulfide …

Oxid antimonitý – Wikipedie

V pevném stavu se oxid antimonitý vyskytuje ve struktuře, která tvarem odpovídá struktuře adamantanu. Každý atom antimonu je vázán se třemi atomy kyslíku a ty následně s dalšími třemi atomy antimonu. Všechny atomy antimonu jsou tedy vzájemně provázány přes "kyslíkové můstky". Je proto vhodnější zapisovat vzorec ...

Abiotic and biotic factors responsible for antimonite

These results indicate that besides the biotic factors, the cellular H 2 O 2 induced by Sb (III) also catalyzes bacterial Sb (III) oxidation as an abiotic oxidant. The data reveal a novel mechanism that bacterial Sb (III) oxidation is associated with abiotic (cellular H 2 O 2) and biotic (AnoA and AioAB) factors and Sb (III) oxidation process ...

Proteomics and Genetics for Identification of a Bacterial Antimonite …

Antimony (Sb) and its compounds are listed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA, 1979) and the European Union (CEC, 1976) as a priority pollutant. Microbial redox transformations are presumed to be an important part of antimony cycling in nature; however, regulation of these p …

Stibnite Mineral Data

From the Greek, stimmi or stibi, "antimony," thence to the Latin, stibium. Also from the Greek anthemon, "flower" in allusion to the form of crystal druses.

Microbial Antimony Biogeochemistry: Enzymes, Regulation, …

Abstract. Antimony (Sb) is a toxic metalloid that occurs widely at trace concentrations in soil, aquatic systems, and the atmosphere. Nowadays, with the development of its new industrial applications and the corresponding expansion of antimony mining activities, the phenomenon of antimony pollution has become an increasingly …

Microbial Antimony Biogeochemistry: Enzymes, Regulation, …

In this review, we summarize the recent research on bacterial antimony transformations, especially those regarding antimony uptake, efflux, antimonite oxidation, and antimonate reduction. We conclude that our current understanding of antimony biochemistry and biogeochemistry is roughly equivalent to where that of arsenic was …

Antimonite Complexation with Thiol and Carboxyl/Phenol …

Peatlands and other wetlands with abundant natural organic matter (NOM) are important sinks for antimony (Sb). While formation of Sb(III) sulfide phases or Sb(III) binding to NOM are discussed to decrease Sb mobility, the exact binding mechanisms remain elusive. Here, we reacted increasing sulfide concentrations with purified model peat at pH 6, forming …

Sulfid antimonitý – Wikipedie

Sulfid antimonitý (chemický vzorec Sb 4 S 6 nebo někdy zkráceně jen Sb2S3) je pevná látka, velmi málo rozpustná ve vodě, ovšem dobře rozpustná v roztocích rozpustných sulfidů nebo hydrogensulfidů. Se silnými kyselinami reaguje za vzniku antimonitých solí a uvolnění sulfanu, který způsobuje silný zápach po zkažených ...


Stibnite - The Bladed Crystals. Stibnite is the principal ore of antimony. The mineral is widely admired for its spectacular crystalline habits, which exhibit extremes of …

World Leaders In Crushing Technology

World Leaders In Crushing Technology 2022-03-21T11:03:41+00:00 world leaders in crushing technology. The world leader in crushing and screening market With strong technical support, continuous improvement of product technology, Improve economic efficiency and reduce energy On the basis of geography, the global crushing and …

Antimonite Definition & Meaning

You must — there are over 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you are looking for one that's only in the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary. The meaning of ANTIMONITE is stibnite.

A Novel Whole-Cell Biosensor for Bioavailable Antimonite in …

Antimony (Sb) is an emerging contaminant, and its on-site speciation analysis is central to the accurate evaluation of its bioavailability and toxicity. The whole-cell biosensors (WCBs) for Sb (III) are promising but challenging due to the lack of Sb (III)-specific recognition components. Here, we constructed a novel Sb (III)-specific WCB …

Insights into simultaneous adsorption and oxidation of antimonite …

Abstract Removal of antimonite [Sb(III)] from the aquatic environment and reducing its biotoxicity is urgently needed to safeguard environmental and human health. Herein, crawfish shell-derived biochars (CSB), pyrolyzed at 350, 500, and 650°C, were used to remediate Sb(III) in aqueous solutions. The adsorption data best fitted to the pseudo …

The Mineral stibnite

The Mineral stibnite. Stibnite is named after the latin stibium, which is the old name of the element antimony (Sb). Stibnite was and continues to be the primary ore of antimony. …