Flow sheet of single-mineral flotation experiment.
Download scientific diagram | Flow sheet of single-mineral flotation experiment. from publication: Selective Flotation Behavior of Dolomite from Fluorapatite Using Hydroxy Ethylene Diphosphonic ...

Selective flotation of calcite and dolomite from apatite …
1. Introduction. Calcite and dolomite are frequently encountered in sedimentary ores alongside valuable minerals. Issues arise when these latter are calcium-bearing minerals too (Jiao et al., 2023, Pereira et al., 2023).Froth flotation is usually introduced in the upgrading process of this type of ores, especially in the absence of …

Simplified flowsheet for CLDRI dolomite flotation
Download scientific diagram | Simplified flowsheet for CLDRI dolomite flotation from publication: Separating dolomite from phosphate rock by reactive flotation [electronic …

Minerals | Free Full-Text | The Flotation Separation …
Smithsonite, dolomite, and calcite are carbonate minerals. The crystal structures and spatial distribution characteristics of their common surface metal sites are similar, leading to difficulty in the flotation separation of smithsonite from these carbonate gangues. In this paper, the floatability of smithsonite, dolomite, and calcite in sodium …

Simultaneous separation of quartz and dolomite from
The impeller speed and gas flow rate were fixed at 1920 rpm and 0.25 m 3 h −1, respectively (Sun et al., 2021 ... 2021) and MSP had a selective-activation effect on the dolomite flotation, which made the flotation behavior of dolomite similar to that of quartz. This observation may be attributed to the main species of MSP involving H 2 ...

Surface Features of Fluorapatite and Dolomite in the Reverse Flotation
The surface features of fluorapatite (FA, Ca5(PO4)3F) and dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2) conditioned with sulfuric acid (H2SO4) were examined through flotation experiments, contact angle tests, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS), and FTIR experiments. The flotation and contact angle results suggested that …

(PDF) CO2 bubble formation on dolomite surface and its …
Dolomite is a common carbonate mineral that can release CO2 gas under acidic conditions. The formation of bubbles on the dolomite surface might play a critical role in the flotation ...

Synergistic impact of surfactant and sodium oleate on dolomite …
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2024.159504 Corpus ID: 267475519; Synergistic impact of surfactant and sodium oleate on dolomite removal from fluorapatite via reverse flotation @article{Lan2024SynergisticIO, title={Synergistic impact of surfactant and sodium oleate on dolomite removal from fluorapatite via reverse flotation}, author={Shengzong Lan and …

A Review of Flotation Separation of Mg Carbonates …
Direct flotation of dolomite can be achieved by using different collectors [12,32,41]. Sodium oleate as an anionic collector is the most popular collector used for …

Flotation selectivity of N-hexadecanoylglycine in the …
Amino-acid-based surfactants are promising collectors for the flotation of calcium-bearing minerals. In this study, N-hexadecanoylglycine (C16Gly) was used as a collector in the flotation system of fluorapatite (FA) and dolomite.Microflotation tests using single minerals implied that C16Gly could be applied as an efficient collector for FA over …

Exploration of disodium methylenebis naphthalene …
The flotation performance of apatite and dolomite was investigated to ensure the optimal pH value and NaOl concentration for apatite, the flotation results present in Fig. 3, as exhibited in Fig. 3 (a), in the presence of 1 × 10 −4 mol/L NaOl, the apatite flotation recovery rose with the increasing pH, and it remained nearly constant with ...

Enhanced Flotation of Dolomite Particles by Grinding with …
In the field of mineral processing, the successful flotation of target minerals requires sufficient liberation through grinding. The aim of this paper is to compare and …

Effects of ultrasonic treatment on the flotation
The flotation experiments were divided into conventional flotation (CF), ultrasonic mineral pretreatment flotation (UPT1), ultrasonic flotation pretreatment after adding a collector (UPT2), and ultrasonic simultaneous flotation treatment (UST), with the flotation flow consistent with that of single mineral flotation.

Innovating an amphoteric collector derived from
As illustrated in Fig. 1 c, when used as the exclusive collector, oleic acid maintains dolomite flotation recoveries at nearly constant levels, approximately 60 %, within the pH range of 6 to 8. Subsequently, with increasing the slurry pH value of dolomite, the recovery of dolomite gradually ascends, reaching approximately 90 % at a slurry pH ...

Enhancing selective calcite and dolomite flotation in the …
This paper presents a comprehensive study on the selective flotation of a multi calcium-bearing minerals ore, focusing on the efficient removal of dolomite and …

Effect and mechanism of phosphoric acid in the …
In order to further and clearly demonstrate the selective depressive effect of H 3 PO 4 and the underlying mechanism in the apatite/dolomite flotation system, in …

(PDF) Separation of dolomite from phosphate minerals by flotation …
Nitrogen gas was int roduced at a flow rate of 50 cm 3 /min and. flotation was performed for 2 min. ... Direct flotation of dolomite can be achieved by using different collectors (Table 3) [12,32 ...

A fluctuating solution to the dolomite problem | Science
The impressive massif of the Dolomite Mountains in Northern Italy was formed almost entirely of CaMg(CO 3) 2, a calcium-magnesium carbonate mineral discovered in 1791 by the French naturalist Déodat de Dolomieu (), who gave name to both the mineral—dolomite—and to the impressive Alpine rocky landscape considered by …

Enhancing selective calcite and dolomite flotation in the …
Enhancing selective calcite and dolomite flotation in the phosphate ores: Investigation, modeling, and automated mineralogy assessment ... according to a specified dosage and conditioned for 1 min. Carbonate flotation starts by the introduction of air at a flow rate of 10 L/min and pursue for 6 min, as presented in Fig. 2. The recovered froth ...

Utilization of a novel bisphosphonic acid surfactant for …
Utilization of a novel bisphosphonic acid surfactant for reverse froth flotation of magnesite and dolomite. Author links open overlay panel Wenhan Sun a, Wengang Liu a b, Wenbao Liu a, Pengcheng Li c, Yanbai Shen a, Shujuan Dai c. ... The temperature and flow rate of hot carrier gas and the amount of raw material are analyzed and optimized ...

Selective Flotation Behavior of Dolomite from Fluorapatite …
Therefore, HEDP is used as a selective depressant of fluorapatite in the fluorapatite–dolomite flotation–separation process. Flow sheet of single-mineral flotation experiment.

Selective reverse flotation of apatite from dolomite in …
Reverse flotation is an effective method for separating apatite from gangue minerals (such as dolomite) in collophanite ore. However, collophanite ore flotation using traditional fatty acid collectors is uneconomical because of the relatively high cost of the raw materials. In this work, saponified gutter oil fatty acid (GOFA) was used as the collector, and its effect …

Article Flotation Separation of Dolomite from …
In this study, sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS), a low‐cost and freely soluble reagent under low temperature was used to examine its collecting ability and selectivity …

Insight into the inhibition mechanism of carboxymethyl …
The flotation separation of dolomite and fluorapatite is difficult due to the similar surface properties. In this study, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) was introduced as a depressant for flotation of dolomite and fluorapatite, the adsorption mechanism of CMC on the mineral surfaces was clarified by DFT calculations, XPS analysis, zeta potential and …

Experimental and simulation study on the flotation …
2.9.2. DFT simulation. DFT is extensively employed to analyze the chemical reaction mechanisms between flotation reagents and mineral surfaces, thereby enhancing the efficiency and selectivity of the flotation process [30], [31].The optimization of geometry and calculation of energy for the dolomite crystal and its adsorption system were …

The selective flotation separation of apatite from dolomite …
The flotation experimental results (Fig. 6 a) demonstrates that, compared to oleic acid, the reduced collecting abilities of 2-Cl-9-ODA for dolomite and calcite particles grant it better selectivity in the flotation separation of apatite from dolomite and calcite. The following sections provide a detailed explanation of the mechanism behind the ...

Effective flotation separation of apatite from dolomite …
The selective depression mechanism of GA in the flotation separation of apatite from dolomite was investigated using various techniques, including zeta potential, contact angle, UV-vis, FTIR, XPS, ToF-SIMS, and AFM analyses. The results demonstrated that GA increased the hydrophilicity of the dolomite surface and impeded the adsorption …

Selective flotation of calcite and dolomite from apatite …
Calcium minerals are the main constituents of most sedimentary phosphate ores. These include apatite, calcite, and dolomite. Owing to the similar surface properties of these minerals, their selective flotation is notably intricate. Fatty acids are the mostly employed collectors in calcium minerals flotation. The performance of fatty acids and their …

Effective flotation separation of apatite from dolomite …
To achieve flotation separation of apatite and dolomite, depressants are required, but conventional depressants have several drawbacks. Hence, the development of effective and environmentally friendly depressants is of great importance. This study aimed to investigate the depressive effect of gallic acid (GA) on the flotation separation of ...

A fluctuating solution to the dolomite problem | Science
This dissolution and growth mechanism may explain why modern dolomite forms primarily in natural environments with pH or salinity fluctuations. In other words, the dolomite crystal growth process requires episodes of dissolution.
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