Medical Term That Means Crushing Of Stone

Medical terminology Quiz 4 Flashcards | Quizlet

Medical Terminology Chapter 13 Endocrine System. 56 terms. Jessica38012. Preview. Medical Terminology Final. Teacher 92 terms. Jeidy_Encarnacion. ... The term excretory means: A) crushing a kidney stone. B) making a new opening. C) pertaining to elimination of waste products. D) there is pus in the urine. C.

Quiz Medterm 9.1 & 10.1 | Quizlet

Which medical term means instrument to view inside vagina? colposcope. culdoscope. culdoscopy. cervicoscope. 16 of 30 ... thus, lithotripsy means surgical crushing of a stone. -otomy means cutting into, so lithotomy means cutting into an organ to remove a stone. -megaly means enlargement; therefore, lithomegaly means enlarged stone. -malacia ...

Medical Definition of Cutting for the stone

Read medical definition of Cutting for the stone. Cutting for the stone: The removal of kidney or bladder stones by surgery. The procedure is today called lithotomy. In the first surgical procedure at the Newcastle Infirmary in 1751, cutting for the stone produced a bladder stone from an Edward Lough, who later gave formal thanks.

Which term means "surgical crushing of a stone"?

The term that means "surgical crushing of a stone" is lithotripsy. During this procedure, high-energy shock waves from an external machine are directed towards where an internal stone would be, thus breaking it into smaller pieces that can be naturally excreted by urination. As such, it provides a minimally invasive way to treat kidney stones.

Use -tripsy to build a word that means crushing of a stone

The term -tripsy is a suffix used in medical terminology to denote the process of crushing or fragmentation. Therefore, a word that means 'crushing of a stone' would be 'lithotripsy'. In this word, 'litho' is derived from the Greek word 'lithos', which means stone, and '-tripsy', which means crushing. Thus, 'lithotripsy' signifies the …

-tripsy -tripsy

-tripsy is a medical suffix term for "crushing or breaking up".. Word Example: lith/o/tripsy Word Breakdown: Lith/o is a combining word for "stone", -tripsy means "crushing or breaking up". Definition: Lithotripsy is a treatment that involves shock waves that break up kidney and ureter stones into manageable pieces that can be excreted through the urine.

Solved I- Build the medical term to mean the following:

Science; Anatomy and Physiology; Anatomy and Physiology questions and answers; I- Build the medical term to mean the following: 1- _____ excision of the gum. 2- _____ crushing of a stone 3- _____ condition of formation of gall stone.

CHAPTER 6: COMPLETION Flashcards | Quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Use hepat/o (liver) to build a word that means downward displacement of the liver., Use -pepsia (digestion) to build a word that means bad, painful, or difficult digestion, Use lith/o (stone, calculus) to build a word that means crushing of a gallstone. and more.

Bile Duct Obstruction: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

The endoscope contains instruments that allow your provider to crush and remove the stones. Gallbladder removal surgery: You may need your gallbladder removed if you get frequent gallstones that cause obstructions. Usually, it involves minimally invasive surgery called laparoscopy. You can live a healthy life without a gallbladder.

Chapter 6 digestive system Flashcards | Quizlet

Med Term Digestive Medical Terms. Teacher 60 terms. Salvatore_LaRusso. Preview. Patho exam 4. 110 terms. cummisam0001. Preview. Digestive. 52 terms. cowsarecute1. Preview. Gastrointestinal Disorders. ... What is the term for a stone in the bile duct? The pear-shaped, sac-like organ that serves as a resivor for the bile is. …

Nephrolithiasis: What Is It, Types, Signs and …

The word nephrolithiasis comes from "nephro," which is the latin word for kidneys, and "lithiasis," which is the medical term used to refer to stones. ... while some stones such as uric acid and cystine …

Cystoscopic Laser Lithotripsy and Stone

Surgical options for patients with symptomatic bladder stones include open cystolithotomy, percutaneous cystolithotomy, or cystoscopic laser lithotripsy with stone extraction …

MT Test 9 Flashcards | Quizlet

Medical Terminology Ch. 9. 30 terms. MommyOfThree1214. Preview. Medical terminology chapter 9. 20 terms. jpbrown2. Preview. Midterm - CKD. 59 terms. vsuggs1. Preview. renal failure . ... Which of the following terms means surgical crushing of a stone? lithomalacia lithotripsy lithotomy lithomegaly.

Lithotripsy | definition of lithotripsy by Medical dictionary

Prior to the lithotripsy procedure, a complete physical examination is done, followed by tests to determine the number, location, and size of the stone or stones. A test called an intravenous pyelogram, or IVP, is used to locate the stones. An IVP involves injecting a dye into a vein in the arm.


Lithotripsy is a procedure that uses energy (shock wave therapy) to break up kidney stones (calculi), bladder stones, or deposits in the ureter (ureter stones) when they cause complications or are too large to make their way through the urinary tract without intervention.. Roughly 90 percent of calculi can pass out of the body in urine without …

Kidney Stone Treatment: Shock Wave Lithotripsy

The stones are broken into tiny pieces. lt is sometimes called ESWL: Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy®. These are what the words mean: extracorporeal: from outside the body; shock waves: pressure waves; lithotripsy (the Greek roots of this word are "litho" meaning stone, "tripsy" meaning crushed)

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL)

Collect stone pieces that you pass. Testing the stone can tell your provider what caused it (and how to prevent new stones). They'll give you a urine strainer to collect fragments when you pee. Drop off the stone sample for testing. You can store the stone fragments you collect in a specimen cup your provider gives you or a plastic bag.

Gallstones (Cholelithiasis): Practice Essentials, Background

Cholelithiasis is the medical term for gallstone disease. Gallstones are concretions that form in the biliary tract, usually in the gallbladder (see the image below). ... – An accurate and relatively noninvasive means of identifying stones in the distal CBD. Laparoscopic ultrasonography – Promising as a potential method for bile duct ...


Lithotripsy is a procedure that uses energy (shock wave therapy) to break up kidney stones (calculi), bladder stones, or deposits in the ureter (ureter stones) when they cause …

Cystolitholapaxy: Purpose, Procedure, Risks & Results

What is a cystolitholapaxy? A cystolitholapaxy is a surgical procedure that treats bladder stones, which are hard deposits of minerals that can form inside your bladder.During a cystolitholapaxy, a surgeon inserts an instrument called a cystoscope into your bladder to locate the stone or stones. A cystoscope is a tube with a camera …

What to know about gallstone surgery

Pigment stones are stones that are brown or black. An excess amount of bilirubin in a person's blood can cause pigment stones to form. According to the NIDDK, some common nonsurgical procedures ...

Solved QUESTION 96 Which term means "surgical …

QUESTION 96 Which term means "surgical crushing of a stone"? Lithomegaly o Lithotripsy Lithotomy Lithiasis QUESTION 97 Which of the following statements regarding benign prostatic hyperplasia is NOT …