Redline Sandblaster Cabinet Dust Collector | Redline Stands
If your sand blast cabinet is in need of an attachable dust collector, look no more! With a latched bottom release for easy clean up, this dust collector is a perfect side attachment for those cabinets in need. This unit is the OEM Redline Factory Replacement for the RE40, RE48, RE48CS, RE70, and RE270 blast cabinets. Order …

POWERTEC 2-1/2 in. Blast Gate for Vacuum/Dust Collector for Dust
This dust collection blast gate was designed to provide you with an efficient means of controlling and blocking air flow to and from your dust collection machinery by attaching to your 6 in. ID dust collection hose. Featuring a nominal 6 in. OD diameter, this unit will provide a perfect fit for most professional and at-home workshop dust ...

Shop Dust Collection System for Blast Cabinets | Eastwood …
This dust collector fits the Eastwood B60 Abrasive Blast Cabinet and many other media blasters. Collects media dust for clearer view. Reclaims media otherwise …

Using Shop Vac For Dust Collection? What to Know!
Using Shop Vac for dust collection will require a slight effort in preparing the appliance for the job, but once it's ready, it'll undoubtedly be worth it. With higher efficiency, better performance, and an affordable price, your DIY Shop Vac dust collector will be your perfect cleaning partner.

Sandblast Cabinet Ventilation: Breathe Easy | ShunTool
Some options for ventilating a sandblast cabinet include using a shop vac, a dust collector, or a vacuum kit. What are some ways to improve the ventilation of a sandblast cabinet? To improve the ventilation of a sandblast cabinet, you can modify the vacuum port, add a filter, or use a different type of vent system, such as a positive …

Home Made Dust collector for my bead blast cabinet
I went to blast the deck lid hinges on The T Coupe the other day. I have a home made blast cabinet I made back in the 80's. It worked great. I used to use my …

Eastwood B120 Abrasive Media Blast Cabinet with Dust Collector
The Eastwood B120 Abrasive Media Blast Cabinet is constructed of heavy gauge steel with a quality powder coated finish for maximum durability and trouble-free service. Capable of Holding 220 lbs. of Parts and 150 lbs. of …

Skat Blast® USA 310-DC COLLECTOR II HEPA Dust Collector
310-DC COLLECTOR II – Our largest and finest for cabinets up to 8 ft. Remove dust for all-day cabinet blasting! Skat Blast® Dust Collector with patented HEPA Filtration traps ultra-fine dust particles down to 0.3 microns and keeps 99.97% dust inside the dust collector and out of your shop. Non-stick HEPA Filter Membrane resists clogging.

VAC-110-400 Dust Collector | Blasting Cabinets | Media Blast
The VAC-110-400 by Media Blast® includes features from the VAC-110 Vacuum Dust Collector to include the filter rapper cleaning assembly and the removable dust drawer. …

The Dustopper
SAVE MONEY USING A DUST COLLECTOR – 99.9% OR GREATER EFFICIENCY: We don't make false claims about CFM. The Dustopper PRO uses science and technology to remove and collect more than 99.9% of typical shop dust before it gets into your vacuum. DUST CAN QUICKLY CLOG AND RUIN YOUR FILTER.

Blast cabinet vacuum question, shop vac or ash cleaner??
Been using a big Crapsman shop vac on my blasting cabinet for 20 years with no problem. November 8, 2016, Redemption Day!! Oct 6, 2018, Restoration Day for the law of the land!! ... I use a wood working dust collector that vents to the outside. Its a cheap $50.00 one. Just like for wood power tools. Been using it since 95. Works perfect.

Skat Blast® USA VAC-55 HEPA Vacuum
Description. HEPA FILTRATION TRAPS DUST – Traps ultra-fine dust particles down to 0.3 microns and keeps 99.97% dust inside the vac and out of your shop!Plus, has 29% more filtering area than old-style Vac-40 Vacuum. The ultra-fine filtration prevents vacuum motor failure caused by dust entering the motor.The result is a longer-lasting vacuum.

Dust Collector vs Shop Vac: Which Should You Use?
When combined with a shop vac or dust collector, it eliminates much more dust. It also works with tile saws to keep the mess contained. ... There are kits such as the ones made by Powertec, which have clear tubes, elbows, fittings, and blast gates to turn your shop vac into a miniature dust collector. The shop vac sits in a fixed location …

Harbor Freight Tools – Quality Tools at Discount Prices Since …
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What size shop vac for the HF 40lb. sandblasting cabinet?
For Christmas I bought myself a HF 40lb blasting cabinet. I am in the process of making a dust collection/filter to go between the cabinet and the shop vac. to extend the life of the vacuum and keep the air in the shop a little clearer. I am using the air filter and housing from one of our 4 wheelers. (we used to ride in the sand dunes a lot)

How to Add Dust Collection to a Mobile Workbench
So now, I've connected my vac to a dust separator followed by a flexible hose and a y-fitting fitted with two blast gates that allow me to open a line for a small tool like a sander, or a branch to my table saw which has another y-fitting that branches to my saw's main dust collection port and up to the smaller dust collection port on my ...

Skat Blast Sandblasting Cabinet Vac-55 HEPA Vacuum, …
VAC-55 HEPA Vacuum with HEPA Filtration provides great suction (90-100 cfm), won't clog, recovers 40% more dust than bag-type vacuums, and provides clear visibility inside your cabinet during blasting. HEPA FILTRATION TRAPS DUST Traps ultra-fine dust particles down to 0.3 microns and keeps 99.97% dust inside the vac and out of your shop!

Dust Collectors
The dust collector you choose should match the work that you're doing at your facility. Keep in mind that blast cleaning is by its very nature a dusty process and the primary function of the dust collector is to maintain visibility while blasting by exchanging the air in the cabinet. To maintain this level of visibility, a dust collector should ...

Skat Blast® USA 180-DC INSIDER II HEPA Dust Collector
Commercial-Grade Made-in-USA Dust Collector increases visibility while abrasive blasting – pulls 300-350 CFM! Patent Pending. 180-DC INSIDER II – Removes dust for all-day …

Blast cabinet dust collector | Yesterday's Tractors Forums
The air rushing in the bucket makes the water splash all over the inside and on out to the shop vac. When I cleaned out the bucket and shop vac I am collecting more than dust. It is sucking the airborne sand on the blasting cabinet right out. My shop vac is a 12 gal. 4.25HP., it is just too strong for making a water trap.

8 MUST Have Modifications
I highly recommend buying a Dust Deputy. It completely eliminates any dust reaching your shop vac filter. Below are some videos I already have on this topic: Dust Deputy Review. How-To: Make Shop Vac Fittings From PVC Fittings. Do Not Make This $10 Water Bong. Shop Vac Hose . Mod #6. Zip tie the media door latch. No need to make a mess on ...

Blast Cabinet Vacuum Requirements
Vacuums & Dust Collectors for Abrasive Blasting Cabinets - TP Tools & Equipment Use their posted CFM as a guide. ... I used to work at a place that had a little media cabinet and they used a shop vac for the dust control. About every 3 months they had to buy another cheap vac. The filter in the vac is way too small and starts to plug up …

VAC-110 Dust Collectors | Blasting Cabinets | Media Blast
Vacuum dust collector for light duty blasting cabinet – 110 sq.ft. cartridge filter for large dust storage using blasting cabinets. 110 square foot cartridge- MERV tested and …

Blast cabinet dust collector (Cheap!)
Blast cabinet dust collector (Cheap!) ... Monkey Ward shop vac I had on my cabinet got so hot it almost cooked off. The plastic top did melt and collapse and the motor burned out. We put my newer 5 hp vac on it, but that thing was so powerful it drew off good grit as well as powderized stuff.

Skat Blast® Vacuum/Dust Collector Replacement Filter …
Trap any ultra-fine dust particles down to 0.3 microns (particles about 1/300th the diameter of a strand of hair) and keep 99.97% dust inside the vac or dust collector and out of your shop! The ultra-fine filtration prevents vacuum motor failure caused by dust entering the motor. Non-stick filter membrane resists clogging - dust and dirt simply fall off the filter …

PVC Shop Dust Collection
My Shop Dust Collection. ... So, I had lots of saw dust sitting inside the cabinet. I still use my shop vac and dust deputy for sanding and cleanup, but thats about it. The tone of the shop vac is irritating and I think its louder than my new dust collector. ... Blast Gates Blast Gate and Hose Connection. The blast gates fit nicely inside of ...

Hobby Blast Blasting Cabinet
This welded-steel, leak-proof blasting cabinet is designed to outperform larger cabinets having having fewer features. This MediaBlaster® sand blasting cabinet is primarily used for glass bead blasting. The Hobby Blast sandblasting cabinet requires, but does not include, a vacuum dust collector (shop vacuum) for operation.

Skat Blast® USA VAC-55 HEPA Vacuum
Skat Blast® VAC-55 HEPA VAC is "super quiet", only 68-71 decibels. Compact polyethylene bottom canister saves space in your shop. Plus, polyethylene canister won't rust and can be easily rinsed out for cleaning. Included with Skat Blast® Cabinet Models SC-33V, SC-35V, SC-34, SC-40, SC-46, SC-58, 940-DLX, 960-DLX, 970-DLX, 985, …

Skat Blast TP Tools® USA 2846 Sandblast Sandblasting …
BIG 46"w, 28"d, 28"h work area! Overall abrasive blast cabinet size: 48"w, 30"d, 64-1/2"h. FULLY ASSEMBLED! Includes: powerful Vac-55 HEPA Vacuum to remove dust as you …

"Proper" Air extractor for small sand blating cabinet
The commercial dust collector units use large diameter hoses and are somewhat quieter but your small blast cabinet is probably set up for standard shop vac hoses.. I use a Ridgid shop vac with the lowest sound level I could find.
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