Mining Tunnel Drilling Machine

DT912D Tunneling Jumbo For Underground Mining

The intelligent drilling control system features settings for nine hole types along with three alternative control methods. Fast and accurate drifting. The jumbo's boom has full automatic parallelism and a large coverage area. The torque-based drilling control minimizes jamming risks and the boom compensation models increase accuracy (option).

Mining and Tunneling Equipment, Underground Mining Machines …

Foreuses pour mines et tunnels. CMM specializes in the manufacture of drillers intended mainly for underground working and offers a complete range of machines. Bolting jumbos Boulonneuses pour travaux souterrains. CMM specializes in the manufacture of bolters intended mainly for underground working and offers a complete range of machines.

Tunnel Boring Machines

If you are in the trenchless industry, you are sure to be familiar with the legacy that Akkerman TBMs have created. While this time-tested and proven technology has been successfully installing thousands of tunnels around the world, we have been busy advancing the technology to maximize performance, expand capabilities, and increase …

CERATIZIT | Mining & Tunneling

Wear-resistant & tough. In order to complete large projects such as tunnel drilling or mining successfully and economically, reliable carbide tools are decisive: For long tool life, they have to provide high hardness and corrosion resistance, high toughness against tool breakage as well as compressive strength.

Vertical Shaft Sinking Machine (VSM)

Every Herrenknecht Shaft Sinking Machine consists of two main components – the shaft boring machine and the lowering units. The shaft boring machine is lowered into the launch shaft structure and attached firmly to the shaft with its three machine arms. A rotating cutting drum equipped with chisel tools is attached to a telpic boom.

Wholesale tunnel drill machine For Ground Excavation

Explore the various tunnel drill machine products available for wholesale at Get a tunnel drill machine for drilling water wells, water exploration holes, geological exploration, coal mines, and other kinds of mining. Some tunnel drill machine options use tread to move. Others use rubber tires, while others require a separate means …

All About Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) & Parameters

Model of the tunnel boring machine (TBM) Åsa used to dig and line the Hallandsås tunnel. Utilization. The percentage of shift time during which mining occurs is the Utilization, U, and is usually evaluated as an average over a specified time period. U (%) = TBM mining time Shift Time x 100


Mining - Drifts, Tunnels, Shafts: All horizontal or subhorizontal development openings made in a mine have the generic name of drift. These are simply tunnels made in the rock, with a size and shape depending on their use—for example, haulage, ventilation, or exploration. A drift running parallel to the ore body and lying in the footwall is called a …

Tunneling technology looks to the future

In Chile, TBM technology is on course to revitalise the copper mining giant's Chuquicamata mine. Last year, the country's state-owned copper firm Codelco and the Japanese equipment provider sealed an agreement to test out 's new electric-powered TBM at the mine in 2024. The machine can manoeuvre round small curves, …

Understanding The Mechanics Of A Jumbo Drill: How Does …

One type of mining operation where a jumbo drill is commonly used is in underground mining. In this type of mining, the drill is typically mounted on a tracked vehicle that can easily maneuver through narrow tunnels and passageways. The jumbo drill is used to create holes in the rock walls or ceilings, which are then filled with …

Tunnel Mining Equipment and Systems for the Mining …

Mining tunnels are essential to access, extract and transport underground ores. However, the selection of tunnelling methods and equipment for mining differs, according to geologic conditions and rock and soil types. ... and servicing specialists, as well as spare parts suppliers for tunnel drilling machines and related equipment. The ...

Comparison between TBM Tunnelling and Drill and Blast …

In the world of underground construction, the excavation of hard rock tunnels poses significant engineering challenges. Engineers and project managers are often faced with the decision of selecting the most suitable method for tunnel excavation. Two widely used methods in hard rock tunnelling are Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) tunnelling and …

Mine Development Machine

Mine Development Machine (MDM5000) Built for Mines by the Experts in Tunneling. The MDM5000 is the world's first successful rectangular rock boring machine, designed specifically with mines in mind. Until now, the excavation of mining drifts and access tunnels has been accomplished through often slow and arduous drill and blast …

Underground drill rigs

We engineer an extensive range of underground drill rigs for mining development and production. Available in a variety of feed lengths, boom configurations and size classes, …

Robust Control of Feeding Speed for Coal Mine Tunnel Drilling Machines

Changes in coal seam hardness cause fluctuations in the feed resistance at the drill bit during the drilling process, leading to unstable feeding speed. This paper proposes a robust dynamic output feedback controller to suppress disturbances caused by the variations in coal seam hardness in the feed system. Firstly, an unknown parameter …

Tunnel Boring Machines

From the design and stabilization of the cutterhead to the rapid removal of muck, we know what it takes to manufacture the most efficient tunneling machines. That's why …


Pioneers in the World of Underground Construction. In 1952 James Robbins developed the first modern Tunnel Boring Machine for the Oahe Dam Project in South Dakota, USA. …

Solutions for Tunnel Boring Machines | Sika Canada

Tunnel boring machines (TBMs) are very advanced equipment used as an alternative to drilling and blasting through rock and "conventional mechanical excavation" in soft ground. Sika provides a wide range of products designed specifically for use with a variety of TBMs, throughout the whole tunnel excavation and construction process.


Our high-tech machines enable high advance rates in any geology with maximum safety for buildings, infrastructures and personnel. Working in teamwork together, modern, integrated tunnel systems for metro, road, railway, passenger, supply and disposal tunnels are the result – built on budget and on schedule.

Tunnels and underground excavations | History, Methods, …

tunnels and underground excavations, horizontal underground passageway produced by excavation or occasionally by nature's action in dissolving a soluble rock, such as limestone.A vertical opening is usually called a shaft.Tunnels have many uses: for mining ores, for transportation—including road vehicles, trains, subways, and canals—and for …

Surface-wave geological exploration method based on Tunnel …

To understand the characteristics of the TBM drilling noise, field tests were conducted in the Jinan subway project. Based on the near-surface investigation and borehole geological exploration, the geology along the subway line was found to be composed of alternating soft and hard rocks, mainly containing granite with different …

Tunnels — The Boring Company

Benefits. Weatherproof: rain, snow, wind, and surface temperatures do not affect system operation. Invisible: tunnel construction does not impact traffic patterns or create any discernible surface noise or vibration. Expandable: tunnels can be extended and new levels added as additional capacity is required. Safe: a tunnel is one of the safest places to be …

TBMs in Mining

Stillwater Mine TBM, 2011: Tunnel Length: 1,783 m: 6,975 m: TBM Type: Main Beam: Main Beam: TBM Diameter: 5.49 m: ... Tunnel boring machines are capable of installing any type of ground support that can be installed by conventional operations. ... Excavate at rates two to three times that of drill & blast operations; Bore tunnels at rates at ...

Mobile Tunnel Borer | Master Drilling Unveils Mobile Tunnel Borer

Master Drilling launched the Mobile Tunnel Boring (MTB) machine to allow for horizontal mechanical excavation for underground mining development. The MTB is a bespoke machine for mining that is modular and can operate on a 12-degree incline or decline development. The MTB has a 30-meter turning radius.

Underground Face and Jumbo Drill Rigs for Mining and …

The underground jumbo drill rigs from Epiroc are used for blast hole drilling in underground mining and tunneling. The rigs are equipped with up to four booms, covering cross sections from 6 m 2 to 206 m 2.We offer underground jumbo drill rigs with our reliable Direct Control System, DCS, or with the computerized Rig Control System, RCS, to …

Boxhole Boring Machine (BBM)

From there the material can be transported out of the tunnel without problems. After each jacking stroke, the drilling process is stopped for a short time, to secure the pipe string and the drilling unit. Then the next jacking pipe can be installed in the jacking frame. When the desired drilling length is reached, the drilling unit is retracted.