Azure Virtual Machines Overview

Virtual Machine series | Microsoft Azure

Virtual Machines. Free account. Find the right Azure VMs for your needs and budget with the virtual machine selector. A-Series. Entry-level VMs for dev/test. A-series VMs have …

Virtual Machines—Linux | Microsoft Azure

Create Linux virtual machines in Azure through the Azure portal, Azure PowerShell, or Azure CLI: The Azure portal provides a browser-based user interface to create VMs and associated resources. Use the Azure PowerShell module to create and manage Azure resources from the PowerShell command line or in scripts.

What are Azure Virtual Machines?

In this article, we will see various ways by which we can save costs with Azure virtual machines. Azure Virtual Machines (VMs) are software emulations of the physical computer, which have a virtual processor, memory, storage, and networking capabilities running inside the host's data center in a virtualized environment. In these …

Overview of cloud-init support for Linux VMs in Azure

In this article. Applies to: ️ Linux VMs ️ Flexible scale sets This article explains the support that exists for cloud-init to configure a virtual machine (VM) or Virtual Machine Scale Sets at provisioning time in Azure. These cloud-init configurations are run on first boot once the resources have been provisioned by Azure.

Introduction to Azure virtual machines

Azure Virtual Machines. Learn about the decisions you make before creating a virtual machine, the options to create and manage the VM, and the extensions and services …

Always On availability group on SQL Server on Azure VMs

Overview. Always On availability groups on Azure Virtual Machines are similar to Always On availability groups on-premises, and rely on the underlying Windows Server Failover Cluster. However, since the virtual machines are hosted in Azure, there are a few additional considerations as well, such as VM redundancy, and routing traffic on the ...

Failover cluster instances with SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines

Overview. SQL Server on Azure VMs uses Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) functionality to provide local high availability through redundancy at the server-instance level: a failover cluster instance. An FCI is a single instance of SQL Server that's installed across WSFC (or simply the cluster) nodes and, possibly, across multiple ...

Enable Azure Disk Encryption for Windows VMs

It uses the BitLocker feature of Windows to provide volume encryption for the OS and data disks of Azure virtual machines (VMs), and is integrated with Azure Key Vault to help you control and manage the disk encryption keys and secrets. Azure Disk Encryption is zone resilient, the same way as Virtual Machines.

Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets overview

Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets let you create and manage a group of load balanced VMs. The number of VM instances can automatically increase or decrease in response to demand or a defined schedule. Scale sets provide the following key benefits: Easy to create and manage multiple VMs;

Guest updates and host maintenance overview

Azure also offers customers the ability to control updates on various Azure machines including Virtual Machine Scale Sets, Host Machines, Guest Virtual Machines and Extensions attached to VMs. This control is possible through maintenance configurations which customers can use to set up recurring schedules for when they want available …

What Is a Virtual Machine and How Does It Work | Microsoft Azure

Azure Disk Storage is a service offering high-performing, highly durable block storage designed to be used with Azure Virtual Machines. With unmatched resiliency, seamless scalability, and built-in security, Azure Disk Storage delivers the price-performance you need for your mission and business-critical apps.


Overview Pricing table Purchase options Resources FAQ ... It's a new preview feature for Azure Virtual Machines with private IP addresses. The internally load-balanced endpoint is only accessible within a virtual network (for virtual machines within a virtual network) or cloud service (for virtual machines outside a virtual network). ...

Azure Windows VM Agent overview

For a virtual machine, use Remove-AzVMSecret to remove certificates from OSProfile. For more information on certificates for virtual machine scale sets, see Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets - How do I remove deprecated certificates?. Next steps. For more information about VM extensions, see Azure virtual machine extensions and …

What is Azure Virtual Desktop?

Azure Virtual Desktop is a desktop and app virtualization service that runs on Azure. Deliver a full Windows experience with Windows 11 or Windows 10. Offer full desktops or use RemoteApp to deliver individual apps to users. ... Only manage the image and virtual machines you use for the sessions in your Azure subscription, not the ...

NVMe overview

In this overview, learn about NVMe support on virtual machines (VM) created in Azure. NVMe offers higher input/output operations per second (IOPS) and higher throughput in megabytes per second (MBps). This capability can significantly improve the performance of both temporary (local) and remote NVMe disk storage with Azure …

Deploy Azure Virtual Desktop

Select Azure virtual machine. Virtual machine location: Select the Azure region where you want to deploy your session hosts. This must be the same region that your virtual network is in. ... From the Azure Virtual Desktop overview, select Workspaces, then select the name of the workspace you want to assign an application …

Azure Arc overview

Virtual machines: Provision, resize, delete and manage virtual machines based on VMware vSphere or Azure Stack HCI and enable VM self-service through role-based access. Note For more information regarding the different services Azure Arc offers, see Choosing the right Azure Arc service for machines .

Desired State Configuration for Azure overview

Prerequisites. Local machine: To interact with the Azure DSC extension, you must use either the Azure portal or the Azure PowerShell SDK on the local machine.. Guest agent: The Azure VM that's prepared by the DSC configuration must use an operating system that supports Windows Management Framework (WMF) 4.0 or later.For the full list of …

What is VM insights?

Azure virtual machines. Azure virtual machine scale sets. Hybrid virtual machines connected with Azure Arc. On-premises virtual machines. Virtual machines hosted in another cloud environment. VM insights provides a set of predefined workbooks that allow you to view trending of collected performance data over time. You can view this data in a ...

Start/Stop VMs v2 overview | Microsoft Learn

In this article. The Start/Stop VMs v2 feature starts or stops Azure Virtual Machines instances across multiple subscriptions. It starts or stops virtual machines on user-defined schedules, provides insights through Azure Application Insights, and send optional notifications by using action groups.For most scenarios, Start/Stop VMs can …

Overview of Red Hat Enterprise Linux images in Azure

When you search for Red Hat in Azure Marketplace or when you create a resource in the Azure portal, you see only some of the available RHEL images. You can get the full set of available VM images by using the Azure CLI, PowerShell, and API. To see the full set of available Red Hat images in Azure, use the az vm image list command:

Azure VM Image Builder overview

You can even add configurations to build images for Azure Virtual Desktop, as virtual hard disks (VHDs) for use in Azure Stack, or for ease of exporting. VM Image Builder lets you start with Windows or Linux images either from Azure Marketplace or as existing custom images, and then add your own customizations.

Virtual machines in Azure

Azure virtual machines are one of several types of on-demand, scalable computing resources that Azure offers. Typically, you choose a virtual machine when you need …

Azure Linux VM Agent overview

The Microsoft Azure Linux VM Agent (waagent) manages Linux and FreeBSD provisioning, along with virtual machine (VM) interaction with the Azure fabric controller. In addition to the Linux agent providing provisioning functionality, Azure provides the option of using cloud-init for some Linux operating systems.

Overview of the Azure Compute Unit

Overview of the concept of the Azure compute units. The ACU provides a way of comparing CPU performance across Azure SKUs. ... Azure virtual machine sizes typically run with maximum performance on the hardware platform they're first released on. Azure may place controls on older Azure virtual machines when run on newer hardware to …