In the Delayed Coker unit, Vaccum residue is rapidly heated in heater and thermally cracked in coke drums under certain operating conditions of pressure and temperature. Delayed coker products are Fuel gas, LPG, Naphtha, Light coker gas oil, Heavy coker gas oil and Coke. The products from Delayed coker are sent to …

Preventing emissions in coke removal
One of these conversion methods is the delayed coker unit (DCU). The product obtained from this unit is commonly known as petroleum coke which serves as the feed for a number of different applications. Unlike the other processing units in the refining business, delayed coking is a discontinuous batch operation. Full coker drums are opened on a ...

Coking 101 An Introduction to Delayed Coking
Delayed Coker Fractionator 9 The Coker Fractionator receives and separates the feedstock and sour 'cracked' gas and liquids from the operating Coke Drum and Coker Furnace. •Fuels Gas and LPG are recovered for fuel or other products. •Naptha is recovered and sent to the other refinery units for gasoline production. •Light Coker Gas …

sbm/sbm petroleum coke crusher plant.md at main · …
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A Day in the Life of… A Coker Operator | OILWOMAN …
A coker is a refinery processing unit that converts residual oil from the crude oil distillation process and converts it into lighter naphtha, light and heavy gas oils for use in gasoline and diesel production and petroleum coke, which can be used in power generation and other industrial applications. Source: bp.com.

Refining Community | » FREE WEBINAR: ECHO …
Join us for this informative presentation by Art Envi Services. Topics to be covered will be: 1. Introduction to ECHO 2. Challenges with traditional coke handling 3. Specialized Equipment for ECHO: 4. Safety aspects & Economics of ECHO 5. Suitability for Revamp and Greenfield DCU's Sonja Knuedel Sr. Technology Specialist, Art Envi Services …

Keys To A Successful Delayed Coking Unit Revamp
Delayed Coking Unit Revamp By John E. Collins, Technical Services Manager, CB&I ... • Currently operates eight delayed coker units (DCUs) with combined capacity of 9.3 million ... • Check crusher load rating • Confirm OSBL facilities are sufficient • …

Delayed Coker Coke Drum Bottom Head Safety
=> Each coker cuts through a crusher car to a sluiceway and has the following: - 3 Deheading Carts - 2 Crusher Carts => Water and coke are moved by high pressure water pumps to common dewatering bins - Coke is loaded on a conveyor and moved offsite - Water is recycled for reuse October-2014 coking.com Rio

Best practices to increase productivity and reliability of …
High historical profit margins are associated with a delayed coking unit, so it is important for refiners to maximize its productivity and reliability. However delaying coking is a unique …

Coker Heater Design The Heart of the Coking Process
Fired Heaters TUBE DESIGN CONDITIONS Metallurgy 9Cr-1Mo vs. 347SS — API Limits 1300°F for 9Cr-1Mo vs. 1500°F for SS — SS Tubes have better spalling ability on organic fli d tth l i tifouling due to thermal expansion properties — SS Tubes are more prone to erosion in return bends — 9Cr has proven to be successful in operation on various feed stocks …

Coker University | Info for Current Coker U Students
As part of your Coker education, undergraduate students have the opportunity to travel far beyond our campus boundaries. Whether you want to travel to Europe for two weeks during the summer, backpack in remote wilderness for a long weekend, or anything in between—there are plenty of experiences available to push you outside the comfort …

Delayed Coking | Coker Unit Refinery | Pall Corporation
Ensure your coker unit refinery outputs meet your water quality requirements on final products and intermediates. What is Coking? Coking is a unit operation found in more complex refineries to convert tarry residual or 'resid' streams from vacuum and atmospheric distillation into value-added products and intermediates such as LPG, naphtha ...

Coker cranes | Konecranes
A coker crane in a petrochemical plant moves hot, fresh coke fuel in the coke pit out of the way of the coke drum so that coke gets cool down. After 24 hours, the crane moves the cooled, de-watered coke to a crusher, hopper, or conveyor. The work is fast and continuous, and downtime completely halts production.

Delayed Coking | Coker Unit Refinery | Pall Corporation
Achieve daily coker unit production targets. Meet coker production targets, product quality specifications and downstream unit protection by effective removal of particulate and …

CASE STUDY Coker pump design
pumps can be equipped with coke crushers, which reduce the size of the particles and allow them to pass through the impeller. Predominantly, coker charge pumps are …

Tutorial: Delayed Coking Fundamentals
unit with a coke drum 0.3 meter (1 ft) diameter by 2.1 meters (7 ft) long and has developed physical models ... Knowledge of commercial delayed coking units as well as that of the GLC Pilot Delayed Coker is used in this tutorial paper to describe the formation and uses of the three types of structures of delayed petroleum coke: needle, sponge ...

crusher scale strokes diluent recycled back to bitumen production diluent recovery unit delayed coker inputs: hydrogen and hydrocarbons outputs: upgraded hydrocarbons blending process produces synthetic crude oil naphtha legend diesel gas oil hydrogen legend hydrogen gas oil naphtha diesel naphtha diesel gas oil coke pile froth water sand …

Major Economic Choices When Designing a New …
Crusher Crusher: Robust single roll or feeder breaker type machine. Capable of handling large lumps. Minimize fines production. ... Recycled to extinction in the coker Sent back to the vacuum unit Feed to another conversion unit Provides large economic advantage Billings Refinery Coker Courtesy of CoP. Performing today. Preparing for tomorrow.

Coker cranes | Konecranes India
A coker crane in a petrochemical plant moves hot, fresh coke fuel in the coke pit out of the way of the coke drum so that coke gets cool down. After 24 hours, the crane moves the cooled, de-watered coke to a crusher, hopper, or conveyor. The work is fast and continuous, and downtime completely halts production.

Closed Coke Slurry System
Advantages at a glance. Environmentally sound, fully closed, no steam plum, no dust, no volatile organic components. Automated, fully controlled operation through …

Coking is a refinery process that produces 19% of finished …
Coking is a refinery unit operation that upgrades material called bottoms from the atmospheric or vacuum distillation column into higher-value products and, as the name implies, produces petroleum coke—a coal-like material. Exports of petroleum coke accounted for about 19% of the nation's finished petroleum product exports through …

A Day in the Life of… A Coker Operator
A coker is a refinery processing unit that converts residual oil from the crude oil distillation process and converts it into lighter naphtha, light and heavy gas oils for use in gasoline and diesel production and petroleum coke, which can be used in power generation and other industrial applications. Source: bp.com.

Impact of Feed Properties and Operating Parameters on …
Petroleum Coke General Properties: Volatile Combustible Matter (VCM) VCM is unconverted pitch. Target 12% Max, fuel coke 9% to 10%. 14% VCM is very high; Coke …

Coker Unit Restart OSBL
Keystone provided project management and detailed engineering for the OSBL portion of restarting the coke conveyor unit at a refinery. Keystone's scope included performing a 3D laser scan and assessing the existing structural steel and foundations which previously supported a 24" wide conveyor and providing detailed design for all necessary upgrades …

m/sbm refinery coke crusher.md at main · legaojm/m
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DELAYED COKING Bottom Unheading Valve
the top of the coke drum to the coke accumulation pit or crusher. The bottom unheading valve is designed for fully automated, safe ... for use on delayed coker unheading valves and is capable of achieving cycle times on a 60" bottom unheading ... high-performance hydraulic power unit incorporates redundant equipment such as pump trains, and ...

Modeling of an Industrial Delayed Coker Unit
Delayed Coker Unit (DCU) is a critical refinery unit that enables the conversion of heavy materials such as vacuum residue into valuable products. This …

Delayed Coking | SpringerLink
In some refineries, the vacuum residuum arrives at the coker unit hot, straight from the vacuum distillation unit. In most refineries, however, the vacuum residuum comes from storage tanks and is relatively cold. ... or a clamshell (pit), transported to a crusher in order to reduce its particle size, and finally, transferred to coke piles by ...

Coker pump design | Sulzer
To prevent the larger particles from choking the eye of the impeller, pumps can be equipped with coke crushers, which reduce the size of the particles and allow them to pass …

Coker Charge Pump
To add to this the impeller is fitted with a coke crusher to crush any heavy particulates entering through the pump suction or during start up from warm stand by.
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