Frequency Standard Atomic

Time and Frequency Division | NIST

The Time and Frequency Division maintains the standard for frequency and time interval for the United States, provides official time to the United States, and carries out a broad program of research and service activities in …

Primary Atomic Frequency Standards at NIST

Primary atomic frequency standards are passive devices; the resonance is located by probing the system with an external oscillator that can be tuned across the resonance. Generally, the narrower the linewidth, the less uncertain is the location of the center of the resonance, but noise can also affect the accurate location of the center of …

Realization of a Rubidium Atomic Frequency Standard With …

Abstract: Lamp-pumped rubidium atomic frequency standard (RAFS) is one of the most commonly utilized atomic frequency standards. Over the past few decades, the RAFS's frequency stability performance has improved rapidly, and the best one has been in the $10^{-13} tau ^{-1/2}$ level. In this article, we demonstrate an RAFS with …

Statistics of atomic frequency standards | IEEE Journals

Statistics of atomic frequency standards ... The theory is applied in classifying the types of noise on the signals of frequency standards made available at NBS, Boulder Laboratories, such as: masers (both H and N 15 H 3), the cesium beam frequency standard employed as the U. S. Frequency Standard, and rubidium gas cells. "Flicker …

Frequency Standards: Basics and Applications | Wiley

Of all measurement units, frequency is the one that may be determined with the highest degree of accuracy. It equally allows precise measurements of other physical and technical quantities, whenever they can be measured in terms of frequency. This volume covers the central methods and techniques relevant for frequency standards developed in …


ATOMIC FREQUENCY STANDARDS: A SURVEY* Helmut Hellwig Time and Frequency Division National Bureau of Standards Boulder, Colorado 80302 Abstract The last comprehensive survey on atom- ic frequency standards was given by h. 0. . McCoubrey in 1966 (Proc. IEEE 54, p.116). ' This survey reviews the more recent histor-

Chapter 17: Fundamentals of Time and Frequency

The BIPM averages data collected from more than 200 atomic time and frequency standards located at more than 40 laboratories, including the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). As a result of this averaging, the BIPM generates two time scales, International Atomic Time (TAI), and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Rubidium Atomic Frequency Standard (RAFS)

The RAFS employs classical rubidium gas cell atomic frequency standard principles. It utilizes a physics package with a discrete isotopic filter cell for best stability. The relatively large, cool absorption cell and thin film spectral filter provide exceptionally high signal-to-noise ratio and excellent short

The PTB's Atomic Frequency Standards CS2 and CSX: Frequency …

The frequency-shifting effect that neighbouring lines have on the clock transition of the PTB's frequency standards CS 2 and CSX is experimentally and theoretically investigated. The measurements confirm the model underlying the calculations, which allows for the consinusoidal field distribution in the end parts of the Ramsey cavity, the velocity …

Atomic Frequency Standards | Request PDF

A subminiature microwave cavity for rubidium atomic frequency standards has been developed. The cavity has volume of 8.1 cm3, and is of strong resonant signal with high Q factor. Based ...

Rubidium Atomic Frequency Standards

Rubidium Atomic Frequency Standards offer precise time and frequency references based on the natural resonance frequency of rubidium atoms. These standards utilize the hyperfine transition of electrons in rubidium atoms, which provides a stable and accurate frequency output. The technology ensures minimal drift and high stability over time.


atomic frequency standards on the technical and scientific user community. Introduction The last comprehensive survey of atomic frequency standards was done eight years ago …

Atomic Frequency Standards | SpringerLink

In the case of atomic frequency standards, a primary frequency standard is the one that realizes the definition of the SI second based on the ground-state hyperfine transition in the cesium 133 atom. Moreover, all the sources of frequency shift in a primary frequency standard can be identified and determined quantitatively as well as …

[PDF] Statistics of atomic frequency standards

The theory is applied in classifying the types of noise on the signals of frequency standards made available at NBS, Boulder Laboratories, such as: masers (both H and N15H 3 ), the cesium beam frequency standard employed as the U. S. Frequency Standard, and rubidium gas cells.

Standards of Time and Frequency at the Outset of the 21st …

On the basis of this principle, most atomic frequency standards (atomic clocks) work by steering the frequency of an external oscillator to match a particular value of ν o. The first atomic clocks owe their genesis to the explosion of advances in quantum mechanics and microwave electronics before and during the Second World War.

A Review of Commercial and Emerging Atomic Frequency Standards

Atomic frequency standards are used to generate accurate and precise time and frequency, enabling many communications, synchronization, and navigation systems in modern life. GPS and other satellite navigation systems, voice and data telecommunications, and timestamping of financial transactions all rely on precise time …

NIST Launches a New U.S. Time Standard: NIST-F2 Atomic …

These optical atomic clocks divide time into smaller units and could lead to time standards more than 100 times more accurate than today's cesium standards. Higher frequency is one of a variety of factors that enables improved precision and accuracy.

Advanced space rubidium atomic frequency standard for …

Atomic clocks are at the heart of satellite-based navigation systems (Jaduszliwer 2021). In general, the atomic clocks or frequency standards exploit the atomic energy-levels transition(s) to provide a stable frequency reference to which the oscillator is stabilized (Vanier 1989).

MiniRAFS Rb Atomic Frequency Standard

The MiniRAFS is a cost-effective, ultra-high performance, miniaturized, space-qualified rubidium frequency standard. It's designed with the latest technologies, providing advanced features, such as long lifetime, high reliability, ultra light-weight and ultra low phase noise, for next-generation space applications.

An introduction to frequency standards

Abstract: Quartz oscillators and rubidium, cesium, and hydrogen atomic frequency standards are described in terms of the physics of operation. Sources of frequency instability and inaccuracy are given. The author's intention is to provide a basis for characterization of the more practical aspects of commercially available frequency …

Frequency Synthesis for Atomic Standards | NIST

Synthesizing frequency from a convenient lab reference to a stable interrogation frequency, or clock transition, in various atomic standards can, by itself, be a formidable task. Clearly the best short- and long-term stability can be obtained only if the frequency synthesis does not introduce noise that masks the atomic noise limit.

Atomic frequency standards and clocks

The basic concepts involved in atomic frequency standards and the terminology commonly used in this field are summarized. The role of quartz crystal oscillators which are slaved to active and passive atomic frequency standards is emphasized. The traditional atomic frequency standards are reviewed, i.e. the …

Bimetal Temperature-Compensated Ramsey Cavity for Atomic …

A typical Ramsey cavity, commonly used in atomic fountain frequency standards (AFFSs) for microwave interrogation, is sensitive to ambient temperature variation. Then, it becomes one of the main limiting factors for the AFFSs operating in a narrow operating-temperature range and a temperature-well-controlled environment up to now. In this article, a new …

Two-Transistor Atomic Frequency Standard

Two-Transistor Atomic Frequency Standard (also see the CD4069 Version). Pretty ambitious title, wouldn't you say? Well, follow the reasoning: If you lower the voltage on the two-transistor flasher to 1.5 volts, the loop gain drops too low for sustained flashing.