Effects of Waste Powder, Fine and Coarse Marble …
The variation of concrete compressive strength with the water/cement (W/C) ratio, the mass ratio (R) of the coarse aggregates to all aggregates, the amount of …

Study of Compressive Strength in Concrete Block by …
the compressive strength of concrete blocks and decrease the cost of concrete blocks by replacing aggregates with the Kota stone chips. ... (Marble Dust & Kota Stone Chips) Compressive Strength (N/mm2) 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days 0% 22.44 29.06 30.13 20% 20.04 25.02 26.17

Mechanical properties and failure criteria of coral concrete …
The true triaxial compression test was performed to further investigate the triaxial mechanical properties of coral concrete. Considering three concrete strength grades and nine stress ratios as variables, 100 mm × 100 mm × 100 mm cubic specimens were tested using a servo-controlled static-dynamic triaxial machine (TAWZ-5000/3000). …

Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Impact Compression …
The compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, axial compressive strength, and elastic modulus of hybrid fiber-reinforced coral concrete were studied by testing.

Study of Compressive Strength of Cement Concrete …
replacement has the highest rate of increase in compressive strength. and stone dust in concrete mix proved to be very useful . Figure 3:Variation in compressive strength with 20% fly ash 1456 . 4.Conclusions. experiments conducted to compare the strength of concrete Compressive strength increases when the replacement of

Effects of Waste Powder, Fine and Coarse Marble …
parameter on concrete strength. In summary, the existing studies did not yield exact and specific conclusions on each parameter. The effects of marble aggregates on concrete compressive strength cannot be isolated from the other test variables based on the studies in the literature. This situation leads

Comparison study on the impact compression mechanical …
Coral aggregate concrete (CAC) has been widely used in the construction of South Sea islands and reefs. However, the dynamic mechanical properties of CAC …

Effects of Waste Powder, Fine and Coarse Marble …
The effects of marble aggregates on concrete compressive strength cannot be isolated from the other test variables based on the studies in the literature. This situation leads

A comprehensive review on the use of marble waste in …
based products integrating marble dust, with a focus on concrete mixtures using marble wastes in place of traditional cement. The study also aims to present estimation models …

Study of compressive strength characteristics of coral …
Coral islands are tiny and are scattered in deep seas throughout the world, hundreds of kilometres away from the mainland. For construction activities in these islands, coral shingles and coral sand are the main locally available materials. A review indicates that only a few investigations have been undertaken on the properties of coral …

Modeling compressive, split tensile strength and chloride …
[Show full abstract] compression strength of concrete cube specimens cured at 7 & 28 days, Split Tensile Strength at 28 days and Chloride penetration resistance of cylindrical concrete specimens ...

Coral aggregate concrete: Numerical description of …
Studies have shown that under the same strength grade, coral concrete has greater brittleness than ordinary concrete [8], ... Experimental study on the compression age strength of seawater coral concrete. Concrete (2) (2011), pp. 43-45. Crossref View in Scopus ... Standards of Pebble and Crushed Stone for Construction. Chinese Standard …

Mechanical properties of coral concrete subjected to
The uniaxial compressive behavior of coral aggregate concrete was experimentally investigated under quasi-static to dynamic loading rates. Quasi-static compression tests of coral concrete at different curing ages were performed at a constant strain rate of 10 −5 s −1 using an electro-hydraulic servo-controlled test machine. …

Grading for crushed marble waste | Download Scientific …
When 180-day curing was applied to the HSSCC series, the compressive strength of the series in which 25 % waste marble aggregate was used increased by 9.1 % compared to the control series, while ...

balance. The compressive strength properties of concrete containing marble dust powder at 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% of Portland cement. The investigation was primarily to determine a resolution to the disposal problem of marble dust by making usage of it in concrete production for sustainable construction development.

Coral aggregate concrete: Numerical description of physical, …
Abstract. With the increasing development of oceanic resources, coral aggregate concrete has wide potentials in the construction of islands and reefs, as well …

Compressive strength of 7% scheme in different seawater …
The effects of different sea areas, coral species, particle size, and other influencing factors on the porosity and compressive strength of coral aggregate samples were discussed, respectively.

Understanding Roman Concrete – Engineering Rome
Generally, 90% strength gain is usually observed within 28 days of hydration; however, in the right environments, concrete can continue to gain strength over time. Gotti et al. (2008) determined that a replicated, Vitruvian-formulated, hydraulic concrete with a six month cure time had a compressive strength of about 670 psi.

Strength Properties of Concrete Using Marble Dust …
East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (EAJMR) Vol. 1, No. 11, 2022 : 2521-2530 2525 Figure 2. Testing of Compressive Strength Table 3.

Compressive Strength of Lime Stone Aggregate Concrete With Crimpled Steel F iber- II. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 8(4), 2017, pp. 7 8 – 83 .

Utilization of Cow-dung Ash, Granite Powder and …
Stone to Enhance Strength of Concrete J Arthika1, C Venkatasubramanian2, ... C4 5% CDA, 7.5% Granite powder and 15% Marble stone The compressive strength test was performed using 150mm size

Seven Days Compressive Strength of Cellular …
Lightweight Concrete using Marble Stone Dust Mr. Rikesh R. Bharatkar 21 Department of Structural Engineering, B. D. C. O. E, Sevagram, ... In this research paper The compressive strength of concrete is increased with addition of waste marble powder up to …

(PDF) Influence of Marble powder/granules in Concrete mix …
Higher amounts of replacement (20%, 30%, 40%, 50%) result in lower compressive strength. Compressive strength of marble dust concrete may be increased by 30 percent by adding calcium hydroxide (C ...

Study of physical and mechanical properties for some of …
The compressive strength test of granite is ranging from 1050 to 1358 kg/cm 2, for marble the results ranging from 827 to 1020 kg/cm 2. A dry density result of granite is 2.69 and marble dry density is 2.62.

Exploring the Use of Waste Marble Powder in Concrete and …
A total of 40 mixes are prepared. The effectiveness of marble in concrete is assessed by comparing the compressive strength with the plain mix. Supervised machine learning algorithms, bagging (Bg), random forest (RF), AdaBoost (AdB), and decision tree (DT) are used in this study to forecast the compressive strength of waste marble …

Mechanical properties of coral concrete subjected to
A more remarkable rate-dependence in the compressive strength of coral concrete than other cement-based composites was observed as the dynamic increase factor (DIF) increased from 1.73 to 2.56 ...

Machine learning-based compressive strength modelling of concrete …
Introduction. Around three million tons of waste marble powder (WMP) are generated by the ornamental stone industry each year [1]. The uncontrolled disposal of WMP can cause environmental problems in the surrounding ecosystems, including reducing the soil's porosity and permeability, and compromising its overall fertility [2].

Geotechnical study of marble, schist, and granite as dimension stone…
Uniaxial Compressive Strength (ASTM C-170) Five samples from each rock unit were selected for this test, and were cut into cubes. The UCS values of marble range from 45 to 66 MPa. Granites have a low compressive strength with a maximum value of 82 MPa and a minimum value as low as 17 MPa.

Prediction of Strength Properties of Concrete Containing …
authors concluded that the concrete mix with marble dust maintains greater compressive strength, higher resistance against sodium sulfate, and abrasion …

Types of Stones (Building Stones): Know Different Types of …
The compressive strength of Sandstone ranges from 20 MPa to 170 MPa. ... Marble has a compressive strength between 70 and 75 MPa. It is easy to cut and shape into different forms. ... Specific gravity is a direct indicator of the weight and strength of the stone. Stones with high specific gravity are preferred for large engineering …
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